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Some say love is gold that whosoever falls in love experiences paradise and not everyone gets the chance to experience this heavenly feeling. But what happens when that love is destructive, has too many dark secrets. Secrets which threaten to tear them apart.

My love for Myra is like that; Destructive, explosive and sadistic. Sometimes, I want to hurt her so bad that I have to hold back from doing something that I might regret later. Adrian and I are sadistic dominants, we feed off of our submissive's tears, screams and cries of pain. Normal people might look down upon us, frown upon us and our lifestyle. But we don't care, we always get what we want and Myra will be no different. If worse comes to worst then we'll have to do one thing which we have never done to our submissives before, that is threatening them; maybe because they were all trained and knew what we wanted. She will be the first girl we'll have to train and we are going to enjoy every second of it.

Today, I took a day off from going to the office. So, I asked Serena to reschedule all my meetings for the day and not disturb me today until and unless our company is on fire.

Serena is all I want in a secretary; smart, professional and someone who would be able to handle my demands, for I am very demanding in both professional and personal life and I don't accept anything less than perfection. For first few weeks I was very hard on her to test whether she will be able to handle all the pressure or not, but to my surprise she did really well. Unlike other secretaries she didn't try to get in my pants or cried and handed me their resignation letter; she proved me her worth and from then onwards I respected her as a person and trusted her with company's work.

I look at my watch and see that in an hour Adrian will be here to plan our next moves in conquering the girl of our dreams. So, I get up from the bed and start to get dressed up. I wear a plain black T-shirt and a faded blue jeans.

After a while I hear the doorbell ring. I go and open the door to the ever cocky bastard Adrian.

"Miss me mate?" He greeted me with a smirk.

"You want to come in or get kicked out, because I'd prefer the latter." I ask him in a bored tone.

"You should cool down man. Maybe this is the reason no girl ever asks you out." He says with an eye roll.

"You do realize I don't need anyone else besides her, but I can't say the same about you." I scowl at him.

"Relax I was just joking. You know that after we found that it was really her I stopped picking random girls for fucking. I just want her no one else." He says with a sigh.

After our little pointless argument we go to my office that's at the bottom floor of my penthouse. We sit down, him on the other side of the desk whereas I sit on the boss seat.

"So, did you find anything else about her?" He asks making me sigh.

"No Adrian, I didn't find anything on her apart from where she works and phone number. It's like she didn't exist before twenty." I inform him making him furrow his eyebrows.

"But isn't Peter your best investigator?" He asks annoyed.

"He is that's why I hired him to take out information on Myra. But he is  saying that he couldn't find any information on her— Myra Sloane." I tell feeling extremely stressed out because only those people wipe out their existence who have a shady past. What happened to you Myra? What made you erase your existence from this world?

"Derek I think we are missing something here because you see first we couldn't find her for ten damn years and now we can't find any information on her which has never happened before because Peter is our best man who is able to find information even on our worst enemies. I think she has a dark past that she is trying to hide." He says echoing my thoughts. We remain quite for a while trying to think of the possibilities which lead us in solving this mystery.

I give him a dirty look when he said that, "thanks for figuring that out Einstein." He glared at me before rolling his eyes

"I think Sloane is not her last name anymore." He says suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, frowning in confusion.

"Think Derek, a girl with a shady past who has gone past all the lengths to hide her existence just so she could run away from her past. Why would she keep her real last name? To get caught? Even we did everything to hide our past." He explains.

"If that's the case then I should call her boss Mr. Ronald Phoenix. I'll ask him to give me the list of all the employees." I say.

"Fine, the list will help us to know about her. At least her last name." He mumbles. I nod and immediately call Mr. Phoenix. He answers on the second ring.

"Hello." He grumbled as if I just stopped him from doing something pleasurable. I smirked at the thought.... maybe I did. I clear my throat.

"Hello Mr. Phoenix, it's Derek Zaire speaking here." I greet him.

"Ah! Mr. Zaire, what can I do for you?" His tone suddenly changed and he asked me in a more cheerful tone than before.

"Nothing much Mr. Phoenix. I just wanted to ask you if it would be okay for you to give me the list of your company's employees." I ask him with a no nonsense voice. So, that he knows that even though I am asking him he has no other choice but to give the list.

"Sure Mr. Zaire, the list will be given to you by tomorrow. But if you don't mind may I ask why do you want the list all of a sudden?" He asks a hint of consciousness clear in his voice.

"Mr. Phoenix, from next week your company will be under my name so, I just wanted to know briefly about all the employees beforehand." I answer.

"I can understand Mr. Zaire and it would be foolish for someone as successful as you to not know about the employees beforehand." He seconds me without any hesitation , only if he knew about the real reason. We then said our goodbyes and I looked up to find Adrian's inquiring gaze. I gave him a nod saying that the work has been done, he smiles at my response.

We hear Adrian's phone ringing. He picks up the phone and I look at him  questioningly when I see his frown, he just shrugs and walks out of the room to answer the phone. I sit on my chair and take out a cigarette from the desk-drawer. I don't smoke usually but at times like this when I am stressed, I crave it.

While I was smoking, Adrian comes in looking pale like he has just seen a ghost. I immediately get up and walk towards him because him acting all  afraid is unlike him for he is the one who always makes people pale and shake in fear like he has been doing with our Myra by texting and  calling her. I question him with my gaze. He lifts his head and answers my questioning gaze. His answer makes my body rigid.

"It was her." He answers in a monotone voice. It takes me a second to realize what he is trying to say but when I do I freeze.

"Impossible." I mumble.
Dun dun dunn guys what do you think is happening right now?

First Myra planning something and now Adrian getting pale. Who do you think is she?😱😱😱

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