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I woke up with a fog in my head. There were many voices around me which I couldn't distinguish. I tried to focus hard to make sense of what they were saying.

"When the hell will she wake up?!" A voice shouted which distinctly sounded like Derek. Why was he shouting?

"Mr. Zaire please calm down. She will wake up when her body is ready." The other voice, which I couldn't recognize, said.

"Her body is still recovering from the accident Mr. Zaire. You need to understand that the accident..." The unfamiliar voice continued but faded away as the fog took over my mind lulling me to a deep slumber.
I woke up again, the fog still controlling the major part of my mind. I felt someone holding my hand and whispering to me.

"My little Rose, wake up. I can't handle this silence of yours anymore. I cannot endure that your bewitching eyes are closed. I cannot bear not hearing your melodious voice. Once you wake up I won't let you our of my sight. I'll lock you away from everyone if I have to but I promise that no harm will come on you, not on my watch. Just... just wake up." He whispered almost at the point of desperation.

My heart both trembled in fear and wept as his words reached my ears. Before I could comprehend anything else, the fog took over my subconscious once again, drifting me off to oblivion.
I woke up with a big headache. I groaned and slowly blinked my eyes open and saw that I am in a white room where the stench of medicines was suffocating me. I felt a heavy weight on my hand and looked down to see a bundle of ebony hair.
         My right hand was between both of his and his head was laying on top of mine. I smiled softly and after a moment of internal debate I slide my hand through his hair. I start massaging his head, enjoying the feel of his silky hair.

I heard a low groan and quickly pulled my hand away.

Derek opened his eyes and looked at me. The first emotion that I saw was shock which was replaced by relief soon replaced by panic.

"Are you alright? What happened? Do you need anything? How long—" I cut him off by placing the index finger on his lips and smiled softly at him.

"I am alright, almost, except for this headache and the fact that my throat is as dry as a Sahara desert. Can you please call a nurse?" I said slowly because every word was hurting my throat like hell. He nodded still looking at me consciously. He pressed a red button and soon a nurse came in. She was petite, with average height and skinny structure but she had something which would make you look at her twice. I look at the badge and read her name. Amanda Swift.

"Welcome Miss. Praks. How are you feeling?" She asked me kindly.

"I have a headache; it feels like someone is pounding a jackhammer on my head. I feel like I have been run over by a truck. And my throat feels like a sandpaper." I whisper quietly because at this moment it's a wonder that I am able to utter a single word.

She blinks at my rant before nodding and checking my vitals.

"Understandable, after the kind of accident you've been in, it is hard to recover." She says making me frown. Accident?

"What are you talking about?" I ask confusion seeping in my words. She looks at me shocked but recovers quickly.

"I'll call the doctor." She says then exits the room rather hastily.

I look back at Derek and see that he's looking at me with worry in his eyes and an emotion that I don't want to acknowledge.

"You don't remember what happened that day." He says more like a statement than a question.

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