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I woke up to a massive headache. I gritted my teeth and held my head in my hands as a sledgehammer continued it's work on my head. HOLY MOTHER OF GODDESSES! I groaned loudly and made a mental note to never drink again. Well I know this self promise won't last long but I'll definitely reduce the amount of consumption. When I finally opened my eyes albeit with great effort the first thing that I notice is that I am not in my own room instead I am in a room which you see in magazines.

The room was bigger than my whole room and closet combined. The walls were painted in golden bronze colour. There was an oval shaped fall ceiling, in its middle an oval shaped mirror was placed which covered two-fourth part of the ceiling. A soft golden light was coming from the upper inner part of the fall ceiling which was illuminating the entire room. Adjacent to the wall there was a king sized bed which was draped in black wine coloured bed sheet and duvet. On either side of the bed there were stools which had drawers.

I pulled the covers off me and get out of the bed. But as soon as I get up I feel my heart throbbing in my brain like a bitch. I fall back on the bed and take deep breaths. I then look towards the stool on the right side of the bed and saw a glass of water with two tablets of headache. When I bend forward to take the tablets I spot a note tucked under the glass. I take the note and read it.

Last night you were incredibly drunk and I bet you are going to have a bad hangover so, take the painkillers and make yourself at home. Also, there are some clothes for you in the first drawer of the closet. Don't fret because I am someone you already know.


The note was short and to the point but to say it left me unsettled and shocked would be an understatement because right now I was in full blown panic mode. Already know him! What does he mean by that??!! His last sentence has my mind on overdrive. My mind is coming up with worst case scenarios.

The most important question is what happened last night. I try to think hard but my mind is coming up with nothing. I remember drinking with my friends, dancing when Lily and Hera dragged me towards the dance floor, but after that nothing. God! What happened? Why can't I remember anything. Thinking hard made my head throb which reminded me that I still needed the painkillers but after the note I was a little wary of taking the pills, but knew I had to because I didn't want to go to work looking like a zombie. So, I took the pills and slowly and consciously got up from the bed to search the room for something that will give me a clue on the identity of this person because the room was completely void of any picture which makes this room look completely lifeless.

I went towards the double doors which was across the bed. I opened the door and the sight amazed me. Racks and racks of the closet were filled with expensive suits and tuxedos. I opened the first drawer of the closet. Sure enough there was a lingerie of Victoria Secrets, a black jeans and an olive coloured v-cut top. When I unfolded them, I saw they were exactly my size.
        Taking a deep breath, I closed it and searched in other drawers for something..... anything that will give me a clue on this mysterious man. I opened the last drawer of the closet and started searching it. Amidst the clothes I found a photo frame. It was placed upside down, like the person didn't want to see it; as if afraid of the old memories it will bring. I stared at it for a few seconds debating whether I should turn it or not because if I did then it would be the invasion of privacy. After contemplating for a few minutes, my curiosity to know about this person won.
       I picked the photo up and just as I was about to turn the frame my phone rang startling me; I took one last look at the frame, put it back in its original place and closed the drawer. I went out of the closet and took my phone from the bed. I switched on the phone and saw ten missed calls and twenty-five texts from Lily and Hera. I called Hera, she answered on the first ring and I was greeted with a hysteric Hera.

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