Chapter- 19

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I walk out of the guest room and go to my bathroom. I open the shower and set the temperature to coldest. The water pours down my body while I think about her and her injuries. My beast is roaring like a fucking madman in my head and I don't blame him because her being so close yet so far away from us is making us insane, but I know that I need to control myself and calm my beast down as she is hurting. 

604800 seconds, 10080 minutes, 168 hours, seven days and one week.

This much time I have with me to make her mine, to make her think about this week over and over. I'll make sure that she will rethink her decision of pushing me away. She will be the one to come to me and beg me to take her, please her and claim her. I will make sure it happens. But right now I needed to take care of her.

I turned the shower off. I entered my room with a towel wrapped around my waist. I dried myself and wore faded blue jeans and plain black T-shirt. I went to the kitchen and made chicken soup for Myra. I knew it was her favourite especially if it's made by me ever since I first made it for her on her birthday. She demanded that from that day on I would make her chicken soup every Saturday and coincidentally today was Saturday.

I walked up to her room and opened the door to find the room empty. Just then I heard the bathroom door opening, I turned around and saw Myra standing at the entrance of the bathroom, eyes wide open as she looked at me with a mixture of shock and a tad bit of lust as she gazed at me from head to toe. She unconsciously bit her lip and that was my undoing. Placing the bowl on the bed, I stalked towards her while she clenched the towel tighter in her hands as if it could protect her from me.

She looked so alluring as she stood there with water dripping from her hair and water droplets covering her body. I stood close to her and gazed her with hooded eyes letting her see what she does to me.

I place my thumb on her lower lip and release it from the clutches of her upper lip. I caress her bottom lip holding her gaze. I felt her shiver as I traced my thumb down her nape and shoulder blades. Her breasts heave as I place light kisses on her jawline. I lick the bottom of her lip making her moan slightly. My jeans tighten as I take her bottom lip in my mouth.

She suddenly pushes me away lightly and takes a step back, shaking her head as if she came out of a fog of desire.
I stood still, not moving an inch towards her as I fought the desire to forcefully take her. The temptation was too much but I knew I had to fight it if I wanted to win because this game of chase is too important for me to lose. So I controlled myself and looked in the other direction.

"I have made chicken soup for you. Get dressed and after finishing it come downstairs if you want a tour of the house else it is fine of you want to take rest." I told her and without waiting for any reply I went down to go to my office.

I called Adrian. He picked up when the first ring was about to end.

"Hey mate." He breathed out like he was running.

"What are you doing? You sound breathless." I asked him.

"Nothing I just stopped working out." He told me.

"You do realize that you have been now working out two times in a day and the time duration being five hours each." I pointed out.

"I need to blow off the steam because I have been raging hard since we found her. Anyways, I know why you have called me and the answer is no, I have not found any lead on that person." He said making me grit my teeth in anger.

"Where the fuck is your fucking team? Aren't they the best as I recall you telling me?!" I barked out angrily.

"Let me complete the sentence. I didn't find any lead on that person because her car was never hit, the car's breaks were failed." He informed which made me more angry.

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