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It has been almost a day and she is still ignoring me. Last night she didn't come down for dinner saying she is not feeling hungry and is tired and wants to sleep. I knew that it was a bull load of crap but I can't do anything yet because I promised her that I will give her time to come in terms with the life I have made for her.

Currently I was in my office sorting out some papers and trying hard to focus which seems almost impossible because my mind always goes to thinking about a certain nymph.

I decided to come early from office. I go inside the bathroom and undress then turn on the shower. The water starts pouring down on me when my fallen angel again crawls her way back in my mind.
      Honestly, I have no idea how long I will be able to give her the space she requires. I just hope she comes to me before I go to her because then I will claim her whether she likes it or not. I turn off the shower, wrap the towel around my waist and go in my room. I dry myself and quickly put on black slacks. A soft knock comes on my door. I permit her to come in and Myra walks in. Seeing as how she has ignored me since yesterday, it was a surprise for me to watch Myra entering in my room.
      She walks towards me till she is standing directly in front of me. She startles me even more when she stands on her toes, wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.

I don't waste another second in kissing her back. She moans in the kiss which makes me nip at her lower lip.

When we break the kiss for some air, she doesn't remove her hand from my neck; instead she looks me in the eyes and says something that makes my inner beast perk up in excitement.

"I want to do it. I am ready to accept your sadistic beast Derek. I want you to make me scream in pain and then moan in pleasure. I need you to dominate me in all ways possible. I want you to make me submit my body, soul and mind to you." She says letting her beguiling mauve grey eyes that looks like the color when the lavender dries, express the depth of her words.

"I want you to be sure of this choice Myra because once you let my beast mark you, you will never be able to leave. We will never let you leave. You will be bonded to us forever." I say, my voice deep and intimidating. I also know that she won't understand the meaning behind us yet but she will, soon.

"I have stopped believing in forever Derek. For me it is a word which is a trap set for ensnaring someone. A word which is meaningless as the people you love always either betray you or leave you. For me forever is a lie." She says making me frown.

"I will make sure you believe in forever once again." I say determinedly because I know the feeling for I too had similar views about it when I couldn't find her for ten years but then she reappeared in my life, walking like no one can touch her. At that moment I knew that forever exists because I was never going to let her leave.

"I hope you do," she gives me an imploring smile, "but for now let us stick to me agreeing to accepting this not so vanilla relationship with you." She says with a mischievous glint making me smirk.

I take her hand and lead her towards my playroom. We enter the room as I unlock the door. For first time this place is more than just a playroom to play with my submissives, this place is now myour sacred place. We stand in the center of the room and I turn to face her.

"In this room I am neither your lover nor your friend. I am your dominant and you are my submissive. You must respect me for there will be consequences if you don't. You will address me as sir." I say in my dominant voice which I use on my submissives. I take her where the ropes are dangling and push her down by putting pressure on her shoulders. She kneels down in front of me and the sight before me stirs something deep inside me.

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