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This week was finally over and today was the day when I would see my Rose Red after ten years.

You met her the other day at the club. The beast mocked me.

No, that meeting is not countable because she was not in her senses. I replied back sternly.

I was excited for today's welcoming party which Mr. Phoenix has organized in my honor. The party was at 6:00pm and I have never been more impatient in going to a party as I am for this one. I call Serena and ask her to come in my office. I hear a knock on my door and invite the person in. 

"Mr. Zaire you wanted to see me." Serena asks.

"Yes, first I want you to photocopy these papers and then I want you to mail these files to Adrian." She nods and turns around to leave."Serena" I call her just as she is about to leave.

"Yes sir."

"Today you can leave early because I won't be here after an hour. I have to attend the party organized by Mr. Phoenix." I inform her. She smiles and nods then turns around to leave.
I get ready for the party. I am wearing a Armani tuxedo and a Rolex watch. I am about to call Adrian because we are going together, when I hear a commotion downstairs. I go down and see that Adrian has knocked over a chair. I shake my head at his clumsiness. He spots me at the staircase and smiles sheepishly while putting the chair back in its place. For a CEO he sure acts childish which makes him more dangerous for people— be it a man or a woman, people trust him easily. They warm up to him pretty quickly but they don't know what is lurking beneath the sweet child like behavior.
        I reach where he is standing and give him a look which says let's-go-before-you-make-more-trouble. He follows me out the door and we sit in his car.

"Take us to Ronald&Lucy's." Adrian instructs his driver.

Soon we reach the company and go inside. At the door two ladies in their mid-twenties are standing to welcome us with bouquets.

"Welcome, Mr. Zaire and Mr. Cross. We are obliged to have you in our company." The lady with red hair says as she greets us with a bouquet which contains variety of flowers. We nod and go inside where we are greeted by Mr. Phoenix. We handshake and he leads us in to introduce us to all the employees of the company. Many of the girls are eyeing us up like we are their favorite candies but we pay them no mind and continue to follow Mr. Phoenix while my eyes are searching for that one girl we haven't seen yet.

It has already been one hour and there is no sign of her.

"Mr. Zaire and Mr. Cross you've met all my employees except for one. She is the managing director of my company and trust me when I say  that she is the best employee. You are going to love working with her. Not that others are not good but she is extraordinary. Her thinking is out of the box." He praises her like she is his own daughter.

"Well, then Mr. Phoenix where is she?" Adrian asks him calmly while I can see the underlying storm in his eyes which is begging to be released. He is just as impatient as I am when it comes to our Myra.

"She must be coming Mr. Cross meanwhile why don't I give you both a tour of this company." He says. We agree albeit reluctantly. We wanted to keep looking for her but we had to comply because we know that looking for her like madmen won't do us any good apart from driving our minds crazy.

For an hour and a half, he gave us tour of the company. I must say I was quite impressed with the interior. For a small company both the interior design and infrastructure was pretty impressive.

When we returned back to hall where the party was held, my thoughts returned back to Myra. Where are you? Why the fuck have you not come yet?! I was getting frustrated and was about to snap anytime. Then, as if on cue I heard Mr. Phoenix exclaim.

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