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I was looking at Myra and some motherfucker who had his hands all over my Rose Red. I was seeing red at the way they were dancing together; the way their hands were all over each other.

Only I am supposed to do that! Only I am supposed to touch her like that! Hold her and dance like that!

I swear to God that once she becomes mine she's going to regret ever doing that. She'll pay heavily if she ever touches any guy like that ever again. I saw her looking my way and gave her warning glare. Few minutes later I see that guy leaning down and sucking my Myra's neck. What fuels my anger more is that she puts her hand on his head as if pulling him closer. But to my relief she pulls him away. I relax back a little, trying to calm myself down because I didn't want to beat someone to death in a club.

The fucker slams his lips on hers and that was when the thread of my patience snapped.

Nobody. No fucking body can kiss our girl apart from us.

I get up and storm towards them. I put my hand on his shoulder, rip him off her and slam my fist on his jaw so hard that he screamed like the pussy he is and fell down with a thud. I glare down at him. I wanted to fucking skin him alive. But I would leave that task to Adrian because right now I had a certain someone to deal with. I shifted my glare towards her. When she saw my expression, she ran away to her friends who have occupied a corner of this club.

Suddenly the little bitch punched me on the jaw making my head snap to the side. Quickly recovering, I punched him in the gut making him crouch down in pain. I clutched his hair tightly in my fist and pulled his head up.

"Stay away from her if you value your life." I hissed lowly to to him. "Or else you will regret it badly."

He nodded frantically, fear visible in his eyes. With a jerk I let go off him making him fall to the ground.

I go back to where Adrian is sitting, clutching his glass of whiskey and glaring holes in the fucker's head. But his glare shifts towards me once I take my seat.

"Why the fuck is he alive?" He growls at me.

"Because I have better plans for him." I say simply with a slight smirk.
I lay Myra on my bed and take off her heels. I sit and massage her feet a little before getting off the bed. As I turn to head to the bathroom, I feel her hand clutching mine. After I told Adrian to go and deal with that prick, I went to search for Myra. I saw her going to the restroom where I got ahold of her.

In my no nonsense voice I told her to inform her friends that she was leaving with someone she knew.

"Derek?" Her soft voice reached my ears. I turn around and sit at the edge of the bed. I leaned down close to her. The tip our nose was touching and I could see pain in those grey eyes. That pain told me the untold story of her scars. Emotional and mental scars which were so deep that I was afraid that they might not get healed.

"Why didn't you come back?" Her voice mirrored the pain she was feeling. The pain which she has been feeling from the past I don't know how many years. And I hate myself for it. I hate myself for not keeping tabs on her.

"You promised me." A lone tear escapes the cage of her eyes. "You promised to protect me. You... you..." she couldn't complete her sentence as sobs racked through her body. I hugged her tightly as she continued to cry.

I wanted to comfort her. I know she wouldn't remember it tomorrow. But at this moment I wanted to assure that from now on she will always have me by her side. She will always have us by her side. I also knew that she would never let her guard down if she was sober. And I wanted to change that. She would know that she can let her guard down. That it's okay to be not in control.

I felt her pull away from me and I allowed it... for now. Her eyes looked at me as if trying to convey a message. A message of betrayal, pain and dead hope.

"I waited for you Derek. Just like I promised you. I waited for you everyday," her eyes closed as if they were not able to handle looking at me; as if they couldn't handle looking at the person who crushed their hope. In a way I was their culprit. Unknowingly I had become the person who crushed the hope held in those eyes.

"Every moment I just thought of one person. You." She opened her eyes which were shining because of the unshed tears. She smiled sadly. "Sitting in my room, which was more like a cage, I always imagined that one day you would  come and save me from this hell. Just like in fairytale stories." She scoffed bitterly as she continued. "But I realised the hard way that this no fairytale; that you wouldn't come. Still like a fool I kept waiting for you. Kept waiting for the moment you would walk through the door of my cage like room. But you never did. You never came Derek. You never came." Her each word pierced like an arrow through my heart. But it started bleeding the moment it heard her last sentence. You never came.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry my love." I wrapped my arms tightly around her as I rocked both of us. "I'm sorry I failed you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry my Rose Red." I kept chanting those words like a prayer.

She is right I never came to save her because I had no idea of what was going on in her life. I never came in that cage like room because I didn't keep tabs on her. And this was my biggest mistake. How could I not keep tabs on her? How could I let some monster like me tarnish her soul? No one. No fucking one is allowed to taint her apart from us. But it's my fault. The is all my fault. I should have kept tabs on her. I should have kept watch on her.

There were two sides of this world. One side was full of light where naive people went on with there lives oblivious to the dangers surrounding them. The other was the dark side where monsters like me resided, who from a dark corner kept an eye on everyone. I was born in this dark side of world. And I didn't want my Myra to be introduced to this world. I had seen the dark side of this world at an early age. I knew the kind of psychopaths who resided here. Nothing and no one in this world was predictable. No one here could be trusted. This world swallows even the purest of the should, tarnishing them permanently.

I never wanted Myra's soul to turn dark. But unfortunately it had. It's scars screamed more loudly than mine. I could feel that they wanted to be avenged because mine had been in that position once. And I had avenged them. I had avenged each and every scar of mine. But the revenge didn't satiate my desire of blood. It only fueled the flame of desire of killing.
       But I won't let Myra walk down the same path, I would protect her. I would protect whatever's left of my little Myra in that soul. She won't be alone in this world.

And I would avenge her. Her every tear, every scream and every scar would be avenged. I promise you Myra, I won't fail you again.
(A/N- okay so guys I know this chapter is super short but I promise that next chapter will be longer. Also the age gap between Derek and Myra is of 7years.)

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