Shouldn't Come Back

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Mrs. Diamond and James get a bit of a surprise in this chapter! Probably not the surprise James would like, but definitely unexpected! xoxoxo, Brooke



When it was 2:00 am, I still hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. I was tossing and turning in the pitch black of my bedroom, but I couldn’t seem to get some sleep. Tonight clearly wasn’t working in my favor, unfortunately. I supposed there was no reason for me to just lay here either, so I grabbed my favorite fuzzy pink housecoat and trudged downstairs for a delicious cup of cappuccino.

“Worst night ever.” I sighed, sitting at the dining table. It was nights like this when James’s absence affected me the most. I couldn’t even go into his room anymore because I knew it’d kill me to look at his bed and not see him in it. I had a hard time seeing his car too because I couldn’t watch him drive to school or go out with friends.

I was happy I still got to see him at all, but I missed having him home. I knew he needed to be in the hospital, though. He needed to focus entirely on fighting this horrible disease. I couldn’t believe my son had cancer. Just last summer, he was going to the beach with his friends and bringing girls home. Fast forward one year and he was fighting for his life.

After finishing the cappuccino, I headed to the living room for some relaxing time. It was hard to relax, though, when all I could pay attention to was the pictures of our family sitting on the shelves of the entertainment center. James...the one that got my attention was the one taken in May of last year and the one next to it, of him just two weeks before he got diagnosed. The different between the two was sort of insane. In the first one, he seemed so happy and normal, then in the second picture, even though he was still smiling, it was so obvious that he was feeling way less than what would be considered good.

I was about to go take a closer look when I heard footsteps outside. Okay, that wasn’t an issue. I always heard people outside. Some people were just night owls. Yes, that was no big deal at all.

Then again, the footsteps felt unusually close this time. Now they were getting farther away. What?

“Hello?” I frowned, approaching the door. Hesitantly, I pulled it open, and found an envelop sitting on my doorstep. Hmmm...

I picked it up, tearing it open with a shaky hand. No one had ever left a note on my doorstep before. Normally, if anyone had something to tell me, they would just call my home phone or my work number. I supposed that someone must’ve had something important to say, but assumed I was asleep.

Inside was a typed note.

Dear Brooke,

I know you and I are not on the best of terms, but I hope that you will read this letter and consider what I am about to tell you. When we split up, I was a bitter, angry alcoholic who cared more about how much booze I could consume than how much time I spent with my wife and son. Then you left and I decided to turn my life around, entering rehab and finally getting sober. Then I made Jessica and we married ten months after you and I divorced. 

This letter isn’t about us, though. It’s about our son. When I heard that James was sick, I stayed away because I wanted him to focus on getting better without all the drama of me randomly showing back up, but I realized recently that I want nothing more than to see him again. I wasn’t the best father or the best husband, but I need to see my son. That is my boy fighting the same disease that killed my cousin when I was ten. Please, don’t keep me from my son. No matter what you may feel towards me, you can’t tell me that James doesn’t need his father.

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