Christmas part 2

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Here's the chapter! Sorry for the wait:) Also, this week is gonna be a little busy. I can't guarantee I'll update tomorrow, but possibly the next day. xoxoxo, Brooke




I’d never met such a demanding taxi driver in my entire life, but I gave him the money as I stepped out of the vehicle. I had spent all morning and part of the afternoon packing and getting my plane ticket, and was finally allowed to get on a plane to Minnesota. Now, at 7:30 pm, I was finally standing in front of that hospital. I couldn’t believe I’d willingly came back here, but for whatever reason, I kind of missed those monkey dogs.

“Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh--”

Ugh, I was not feeling the holiday spirit today. I wanted to, but Christmas had never been a very cheerful time for me. So I always felt jealous of those who I saw looking all happy and thrilled on Christmas day. Anyway, there were only a few more hours left of this holiday and my so called “celebration” was just now starting. Whoop-dee-do.

As the taxi drove away, I went to the door, noting the surprised look on the young secretary’s face as I entered. Due to my apparently unpleasant personality, I hadn’t made many friends here, but so what? Although, there was always Dr. Rivers and....I suppose I could call the young pediatric patients friends.

Why were hospitals so much more depressing at night? It was so...quiet. The lights were dim, the waiting area was empty except for two people, and I was sure I’d heard someone scream. Someone must’ve died. I silently sent my condolences to the family that was so clearly suffering. I came across as heartless to some, but they just hadn’t gotten to see Gustavo Rocque’s soft side, and yes, I do have one.

“You know, you could at least try to look a little joyful. It is Christmas, after all.”

“What the hell-” Ohhh, it was that Katie Knight girl, Kendall’s little sister. His very annoying little sister that absolutely irked my nerves every time I was around her. The ridiculous questions, the sarcastic remarks, comments about how miserable I am. Well, it was kind of hard to be in a good mood when she was up in my personal space.

“Language, big guy.”

“What are you even--”

“Um, let’s see. My brother got a heart transplant a few weeks ago, he’s still in the hospital, and we want to spend Christmas with him, sooo...”

“Shouldn’t he be out by now?” 

“He’s getting out next week.”

“Ah.” I pressed the familiar fourth floor button, glancing at the brunette child beside me. I couldn’t help wondering what my mother and my sister were doing right at this moment. I shouldn’t have cared much, since “Mother” basically deprived me of a normal childhood and my sister never once stood up to her. Oh well. I was a somewhat success record producer while they were still living in some boring town in New Jersey.

“Have you ever been in a children’s hospital before?”

“Once.” I answered. “I was eight years old and I fell off of a horse. I had to stay for a couple of days and I had amnesia for a short while.”

“I love horses, until they throw you off.”

“Yes, they’re...nice.” I stared at the floor numbers changing on a small screen. While I waited for number four, I thought back to my childhood. Christmases were never ideal for me. I didn’t have many friends and I spent the biggest part of my time practicing piano. I loved music, I still do, but because of the pressure placed on me, I’d grown to be a bit of a perfectionist. I had a lot of things about my younger years that I would change if I could, but I supposed that I could still change my life now. For example, I could at least try to be nicer to people, as hard as that would be, and boy, would it be hard.

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