Wedding part 2

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In the middle of writing this chapter, I got stuck because I knew WHAT I wanted to say, but wasn't sure HOW to say it. Thankfully, it went away after a while. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the chapter! :) xoxoxo, Brooke



I wasn’t claiming to be a relationship expert. I wasn’t going to force someone to be in a relationship. I would, however, urge someone if I felt they would make a good match. You never know what could be if you never try to make it happen. Besides, Logan seemed so lonely these days and he needed someone that really understood him, someone that saw past his physical imperfections.

Gustavo couldn’t possibly say no to my plan. 

At least I didn’t think so....

“What do you want, monkey dog?” His eyes remained glued to the music sheet, his fingers dancing across the white and black keys. “Shouldn’t you be tending to your wife?”

“Well, my wife and I actually need your help.” I sat on top of the piano, looking down at him. The sad eyes. The sad eyes always worked. Never before had the sad eyes failed to work. So I worked up the best sad face that I could, even letting a few fake tears well up in my eyes. Ah, the perks of being a closeted actor.

“Don’t--James! UGH! Fine. What do you want?” He huffed, and I snickered.

“We need you to play a really romantic song. I’m thinking the Backstreet Boys’ As Long As You Love Me?” I batted my eyelashes, much to his very obvious annoyance.

“Okay! Okay, whatever it is you need to do.” He waved his hand, signaling for me to leave. Soon the familiar tune began to play and I smiled as all couples made their way onto the dance floor. I had convinced Jade to tell everyone but Logan andCamille about the plan and the instructions were for everyone to pair up and dance to the next slow song. That left Logan and Camille sitting at the wedding party table, quite awkwardly.

“I’m gonna have a little talk with the remaining couple.” I whispered in my new wife’s ear, kissing her on the cheek before heading over to the table. 

“James?” Logan gulped.

“You guys gonna dance or what? Everyone else is.” I pointed out. 

“I don’t really dance and I don’t think it’s Camille’s thing either--”

“Actually, I’d love to dance!” Camille piped up, pulling him towards the dance floor. Now all I had to do was watch and wait for magic to happen. 



I wanted to kill James. I had made it known on several occasions that I hated when people meddled in my love life and yet he just had to go and pull THIS? Don’t get me wrong, Camille was a lovely girl, but I was basically the most awkward person ever. Hell, I didn’t even know how I managed to act normally around McKinley and she had been my girlfriend.

“You don’t have to be mad at him, you know. I mean, he’s getting his happy ending and he just wants you to have yours.” Camille’s arms wound around my neck, pulling me closer.

“I’m not mad. I’m just...I don’t even know.” I muttered. Jade had taken her seat beside James now, giving him about the millionth kiss they had shared all day. I was still in awe at how fast these months have moved. One minute, we’re all just a bunch of kids dealing with doctor’s appointments and therapy sessions. The next minute, two of our own are married and expecting a baby together. Oh, where had precious time gone?

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