Another Day

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Hope you like this chapter! xoxoxo, Brooke

When I first woke up the next morning, Logan wasn’t there. Instead, Carlos was sitting on the bed playing Sims 3 on Logan’s laptop. I was a little groggy at first, so I just stared for a minute, watching him. The bandages around his arms were a little intimidating, but what mattered was that he was life and that he hopefully wouldn’t ever try to harm himself ever again.

“W-where’s Logan?” I mumbled tiredly, bringing a hand to my head. I had a headache that I was hoping I could get medication for.

“Chemo.” Carlos said quietly, still looking at the computer screen. I sighed to myself, looking up at the ceiling, remembering I had my own chemo session in a couple days. Chemo was pretty much the worst. You spend three, four, possibly five hours in a cold, white, boring room, where you get hooked up to an IV and have drugs pumped into you. Your arm burns where the IV is inserted, you throw up, you can hardly stay awake, and it sucks. Big time.

I sat up carefully, still watching Carlos. I could see that he was working on a house for the sims, one that was much better than anything I’d ever built.

“Hey, your house is really good.” I said as I sat beside him. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head against them.

“Thanks.” He answered as he searched for a nice roof for the home. 

“You know, I think...that one....would look really nice.” I said, pointing to a roof that you usually found somewhere in Asia or something like that. Trust me, description isn’t my thing. No wonder I almost failed English.

“Hey, guys!” Dr. Rivers said, entering the room.

“Hi!” Carlos waved, while I remained silent. 

“There’s a group happening in the play room.”

I was not about to go to a “play room.” It sounded far too much like a place for babies and small children. Yeah, no thanks.

“What’s that?”

James, what are you doing?!

“Oh, the group? Basically, one of the nurses gets us all together and talk, get to know each other, and play games and stuff.” Carlos shrugged as he saved and quit the Sims 3 game. Okay, on second thought, that didn’t sound too bad. I supposed that I could use a distraction from everything that was currently stressing me out.

And I said....

“Okay, fine.”

“Awesome! Just head down to the play room and Victoria will be waiting there with the others.” Dr. Rivers instructed. So I got up and followed Carlos out the door, my mind drifting to Logan. While we’d all be relaxing and “getting to know each other”, he was having chemo drugs injected into him. I almost felt like this was wrong. You know, for me to be doing this while he was doing that.

“Wait, hold on.” Carlos said before stepping into his and Kendall’s room. I had to practically bite my tongue to keep from openly questioning why we had to bring him along. He’d been giving me odd looks and sarcastic comments ever since I got here. Logan said that I shouldn’t worry because he hates pretty much everyone here, but I still don’t know about the kid. 

“Why do I have to go--”

“Just because!” Carlos kept his grip on Kendall’s arm, guiding us both toward the “play room.”

The play room was a bright, cheery place around the corner. On one wall, there was a bunch of pictures drawn by the younger kids in the ward. There were a lot of toys too, some that were just thrown on the floor rather than in a toy box.

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