Man In The Mirror

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You're gonna meet Gustavo and Kelly in this chapter! You'll be seeing them a lot more after this as well:) xoxoxo, Brooke



“Gustavo, we need this good publicity after you yelled at that kid when we were at the mall last week.” 

Kelly had lost it. On second thought, maybe I had lost it. Okay, I had lost my temper when some kids were throwing spitballs and paper airplanes at me, but I felt that they had deserved it after their obnoxious, bratty behavior. Very unfortunately, someone had taken pictures and a video, and taken it to TMZ, resulting in everyone thinking I am a bitter, angry little man. WELL, MAYBE I WAS!!!!!

We were sitting in the rental van, which was parked outside Grand Marais Medical Center. We were going to be visiting the pediatric ward, while Marcos (our photographer we hired) will be taking some nice pictures to send out to different magazines and gossip sites, including Perez Hilton.

“This is NOT going to work. These people have so many other problems and I highly doubt they have any interest in us. Now, what I need is an AMAZING new artist for Rocque Records, someone who has THE FIRE!!!!” Griffin also suggested seeing a therapist and possibly taking anger management courses. Well, I needed no such thing. I was completely calm and I just wanted to get this volunteering business out of the way.

Let’s go.” My obviously aggravated assistant said, pushing the door open and getting out of the vehicle. Marcos followed soon after and I begrudgingly did the same. We walked towards the entrance and I dreaded walking through that lobby.

I DID NOT HAVE AN ANGER PROBLEM! So what if I had flipped out on those little brats at the mall? They had been having inappropriately and I had told them EXACTLY how I felt about it. Hadn’t anyone heard of something called HONESTY?! Seriously, what was so wrong with me telling those little monsters off?

The lobby was far too quiet for my liking. There was a secretary at the main desk, quietly chatting on the phone, and concerned family members sat in the waiting area. I was just about to make it to the elevator when I heard Kelly calling my name.

“Oh my gosh, they have the CUTEST gift shop!”

“I’m sure they do, now let’s go!”

“Come on, you don’t have to show up at the ward until 1:00 and it’s only noon. Come on, let’s just look around for a little bit?” 

I knew that I couldn’t argue with Kelly, so I just followed her into the nicely decorated gift shop. I would give them credit for keeping it clean and organized, although I hadn’t wanted to be here in the first place. I wasn’t some selfish old guy, but I couldn’t stand being around the depressing atmosphere of a hospital.

While she looked around, I stood by the door while Marcos snapped pictures. I’d already made up my mind that this was a terrible idea. I got the publicity part, but Griffin and Kelly both seemed convinced that putting me around a bunch of sick kids would be good for my mental and emotional health. I was getting way too old for this.


Kelly had gotten a bunch of stuff to bring the kids, not that I was surprised. She was much better at the whole sympathy thing than I was. Okay, I certainly felt bad for kids with cancer and other health issues, but I was not good at showing it. I had too much pride to show that I was anything other than a cranky, bitter, irritable person.

“I guess, we can go to the ward a little early.” She said, handing a couple of bags to me and one to Marcos, who struggled to carry that AND his camera. I grumbled as we headed towards the elevator, staring straight ahead. The elevator began to move, slowly moving up towards the fourth floor. 

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