Too Young

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In this chapter, we fast forward a few weeks (about five weeks) and we find out some big news about Jade o.O No James diary entry in this chapter, but there will be in the next one! :) xoxoxo, Brooke



“You’re not coming to my party?” Chris wondered as we walked down the hallway. He was this really popular guy at school who was always talking to me in the hallways. Lily thought he had a crush on me, but I doubted it. I was hardly his type and I didn’t want to be. I was with James and I was happy. I made that clear to Chris too, which was why I didn’t understand his reasoning for continuing to pursue me.

“I’m visiting my boyfriend in Grand Marais.” I answered as I approached my locker, ignoring the nausea in my stomach. It had been almost five weeks since we gave ourselves to each other and it seemed like we were closer than ever these days, even though I wasn’t able to be in town a lot. They did decide to keep Carlos in the hospital for a while longer, so James wasn’t completely alone.

“Right, the one with cancer? How is he doing?” 

“Um, he’s doing okay, I guess.” I answered as I placed books into my locker. I really wasn’t in the mood to be bothered, but it wasn’t hard to see that Chris didn’t intend on leaving me alone just yet. Don’t get me wrong, he seemed like a very nice guy, just a little too...pushy.

“Right, so about the party--”

“Bye, Chris.” I shut my locker and walked down the hall and around the corner to Mr. Schneider’s class. He was my health teacher and he had made my first weeks at the new school slightly more pleasant, mainly because Aunt Jess apparently informed him about my time spent in the hospital being treated for anorexia. I guess they were afraid the big change would cause me to relapse.

“Apparently today is sex education.” Lily giggled as I sat down in my usual seat.

“Oooh, fun.” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Mr. Schneider’s views on sex were quite hilarious, in my opinion. He believed “Hey, I don’t approve of teenagers hooking up, but they’re gonna do it anyway, so I might as well educate them.” The next forty five minutes would just consist of him yapping about safety precautions and blah blah blah.

“I don’t get why people are in such a hurry to do it.” Lily sighed. “I’d much rather graduate from college and be married first.”

Oh, she just didn’t get it. When your seventeen year old boyfriend may or may not be dying from cancer, you don’t want to wait. James and I might have done it a little sooner than most people, but we did it because neither of us knows if he’d ever get another chance. I couldn’t tell Lily that, though. She would just lecture me.

“Everyone is here, sooo...I guess we can get started!” Mr. Schneider exclaimed as he shut the door. We all watched as he walked over to the blackboard and began the long and very awkward lesson.

As the lecture went on, there were occasional giggles and soft whispers, but I was distracted by the nausea beginning to well up inside me. I tried breathing to distract myself, but it just wasn’t helping. Still, I remained glued to my seat, focusing my eyes on the black board. The was getting worse.

“Um...” I whispered before getting up and approaching the front of the classroom. “Um, Mr. Schneider, I’m not feeling well. Would it be alright if I w-went to the restroom?”

“Yeah, of course. Just take the hall pass.” I grabbed that hall pass in a heartbeat and I rushed down the hallway to the girl’s restroom. I shoved one of the stalls open, dropped to my knees in front of the toilet, and vomited. I coughed and I gagged, emptying my stomach. I’d experienced this before. Yesterday, in fact, and the day before. Twice the day before that!

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