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Another chapter where there will not be a diary entry! James has a health problem in this chapter and, by the end of it, he's exhausted and would not feel like writing. Also, I want to thank every single one of you who has read, favorited, and commented so far :) xoxoxo, Brooke


“Group 4 will be Logan, Kendall, Jade, and James!” Miss Carson chirped as she scribbled in her notepad. I wanted to be as engaged in the class conversation as my classmates were, but I just wasn’t up to it. I was actually beginning to worry because it seemed like I was getting worse rather than better. I normally felt rather “at peace” with my situation, but as my condition worsened, the more anxious I got.

“You okay?” Logan whispered, reaching out to rub my back.

“Y-yeah.” I rested my head on the desk. My head was pounding sooo bad today. Ugh, what was even wrong with me? Besides the cancer. That one was obvious, but I had a headache, a sore throat, severely aching bones, and I got dizzy whenever I tried to stand up. I was just too stubborn to admit feeling so bad.

“Jay, we really don’t believe you. Just sayin’.” Jade said, staring at her notebook. Everyone was now getting up to leave, but here I was, just sitting in my wheelchair. I felt Kendall’s hand on my shoulder, but for whatever reason, I was so exhausted and I couldn’t bring myself to respond. I just sat up, relieved when Jade just pushed me out of the classroom.

“So, what are we gonna do for the project?” Kendall wondered as we headed down the hall towards the elevator. We had all agreed to step outside for a little bit and get some fresh air, which I hadn’t gotten very much of recently. I was truly sick and tired of just sitting inside all the time, so why not?

“How about this? We could do something like ‘how many seeds do different types of fruit produce?’ Our parents could purchase the supplies from the store and bring them over, and then we do the rest!” Jade shrugged. I nodded, actually liking that idea. I’d always kind of liked fruit. Strawberries, grapes, kiwi, raspberries, blackberries, and all that kind of stuff. I just felt bad because I was worried that I might not be able to put in as much work as the others.

“Um, guys, I’ll just st-stand up, i-if th-that’s okay.” I squinted as I struggled to get out of the chair, a pained noise escaping my lips as the aching flared up. Logan and Jade immediately reached out, holding onto me. What was wrong with me?

“James, that’s not a good idea.” Kendall sighed as I was gently forced back into my chair. 

When I glanced at Jade, I saw what I was certain were tears in her eyes. I almost asked about it, but the elevator signaled that we’d arrived at floor 1. I was still hurting from my attempt at standing, so once we were off the elevator, we had to stand still for a few minutes so I could recover.

“Jay, are you--” Logan touched my arm, pulling away when I flinched.

“Y-yeah.” I lied as Jade began pushing me towards the front doors. 

“Just admit that you did it, Parker.”

“And why would I do that?”

“Because you’re the only one I know that would have a reason to!”

We all stood back, listening in on the conversation. As we peeked around the corner, we saw Carlos talking to a light skinned guy and looking pretty agitated with his fists clenched and his voice loud. They were getting way too close to each other and it was actually very concerning. I just didn’t want Carlos to get in trouble.

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