A Little More Free

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Here's the new chapter! This one is really, really exciting because we find out some BIG news about James. The next chapter is going to be quite eventful as well :) xoxoxo, Brooke



“We should go to the new house and start fixing it up pretty soon, including the nursery.” MOm stated as she handed me my grey Nike hoodie. 

“Sounds like a plan.” I smiled as I slipped it on. Well, today was THE day. Dr.Gordon had called and said that he had my chemo results, so we would be making yet another trip to the hospital. When I’d first went home, I’d been pretty depressed as I thought about all I had missed out on, but today was one of the positive days. A day where I thought about all the good things that had happened so far.

“You’re gonna be pleasantly surprised. Just watch.” Mom assured, fixing the drawstrings. “You’re gonna go to the hospital, get those results, and then we are gonna come home and watch a movie. Sound good?”

“It does.” I grinned, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t say I looked perfect, but I’d definitely improved. Now, if only my hair would grow back, then I’d be completely satisfied. Ah, but Dr. Rivers told me that it would take a few months for that to happen. Mom and Jade had both told me to be patient, but how could I do that? I hated walking around with no hair.

“I’m so excited!” Mom squealed, pulling me close. 

“Y-yeah, so am I.” I grinned. I still had my anxiety about the situation, but it wasn’t totally paralyzing. For the most part, I was feeling as positive as everyone else seemed to be. Besides, it wouldn’t take long to get the results. We’d just go to the hospital and get the results, hopefully with good news, and then we’d move on.

“Let’s go.” Logan knocked on the door.

“I’m coming.”  I smiled before following him and Mom out the door. Jade was waiting in the living room with Kendall and Jo. Still, Carlos was not here. We’d all called up his house, but it was always his mom or dad that answered. They said he refused to get out of bed and that they planned to make an appointment with a therapist soon.

“You’re looking good today.” Jade held my hands, our lips touching for a brief moment.

“Good to know.” I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as we headed for the door. She seemed to be finding it harder to walk on her own these days, at least not without waddling. Kendall liked to call her “Penguin of Madagascar” as a joke, but she never took it as one. He’d pulled that last night and got an empty plastic bowl thrown at his head.

“Hey, I was thinking that you and I could drop by Carlos’ house after this.” She whispered. “I’m really worried about him and I think it’d be good to check. I don’t want him to do anything crazy.”

“Okay.” I answered, rubbing her shoulder.

I couldn’t say I disagreed with the idea. Carlos was all I’d thought about all week and I didn’t want to ignore the fact that he was heading back on another downward spiral. No one else had the courage to confront the issue, but Jade and I were different. I was desperate and, well, Jade got emotional when it came to friends.

“Alright, get in!” Mom chirped, gently urging me into the backseat.

I...was...terrified now.

It was kinda funny how I could go from confident to internal panic so quickly.

Or maybe not.

No, not humorous at all.

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