Beginning my Aikatsu!

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3rd POV
A certain orange-haired girl was getting off at the airport in Japan. "I can't wait to see them again." The girl thought as she put in her earphones & was listening to a song by S4. The girl had her suitcase with her and begin walking.

This young girl name was Kanade Tanaka As she was walking, she bumped into a boy. "Oh, sorry!" She said as she tries to get up. "That's ok." The boy said. He held out his hand to help up. "Oh, thank you." She said as he pulls her to her feet. "So, where're you heading off to in a hurry?" The boy asked.

Kanade's POV
"Oh, I'm on my way to Four Star Academy." I said. I looked at the boy and then moved closer to get a better look.

He had on red glasses, a blue cap, and a red jacket

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He had on red glasses, a blue cap, and a red jacket. The more I looked at the boy, the more I felt like I recognized him. He had these Sapphire blue eyes that I swear I seen before. And that hair, I know I seen that brown hair somewhere. As I thought this to myself, I noticed that the boy looked a little flustered by my staring. "Umm..." The boy tried to say. "Huh, oh sorry!" I apologized, realizing my rudeness.

"T-That's ok."Anyway, the Four Star Academy is that way." The boy said, pointing in one direction. "Really, thank you." I said as I went on my way. As I was running I thought "that boy looked alot like someone from M4" oh well. I thought. After a lot of running, I finally made it. To Four Star Academy, a school for training Idols. "Finally, I'm here." I said in relief.

"My dream, is to become a member of S4, and become top idols with a friend of mine

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"My dream, is to become a member of S4, and become top idols with a friend of mine." I thought as I went on my way into the school gates.

The school year was starting for a lot of new idols in training, so the Headmaster was holding a Ceremony. I was wearing my school uniform, and then I looked up ahead and saw two of my friends. "Yume-chan!" "Koharu-chan!" I shouted to them as I ran up. "Oh, Kanade-chan!" Yume-chan yelled in excitement seeing me. It's good to see you again, Kanade-chan." Koharu-chan said. "You too!" I said smiling.

We catched up on how we been doing since I left. "So Yume-chan?" I asked. "Huh?" "Have you guys met S4 yet?" I asked. "Nope, but don't worry, I know we'll meet them soon." Yume-chan said. "You bet!" I replied. "Starting today, we're going to be students at S4's school, Four Star Academy." Yume-chan said excited. " "Yeah! This will be fun!" I thought.

Aikatsu Stars! Another Story: Subaru Yuki x Kanade TanakaWhere stories live. Discover now