Kanade's Motivation

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Intro: Yume & Kanade: "We're gonna be first star idols one day! Nijino Yume! Tanaka Kanade! Starting our Aikatsu!"

Kanade's POV

Koharu-chan, Yume-chan and I were in the Cafeteria, trying to decide what to eat.
"What should I get for lunch?" Yume-chan said. "They all look delicious." Koharu-chan said. "Indeed they do. I think maybe I'll try..." Then our attention was caught by a man who handing out free taiyaki. "Free taiyaki?" I asked.

"Let's go get one!" Yume-chan said. "Yeah!" We went over to the stand to ask for one. He gave us one and I have to say, it was so yummy! "So good!" I said. "It really is." Koharu-chan added.

Yume-chan then pulls out a slip of paper out from the taiyaki

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Yume-chan then pulls out a slip of paper out from the taiyaki. "What is it?" I asked. "Paper?" Yume-chan said, sounding confused. "Paper?" Koharu-chan asked.

On the paper it said winner. "Winner for what?" I asked. "And we have this year's winner!" The man said.

Later, it was explained futher when Yume-chan and Laura were both selected for a event called Koukadou Audition, from a famous Japanese confectionery company.

So, while the two were gone, I decided to stay in the dorm room with Koharu-chan as we were doing some drawing. "How does this look Kanade-chan? Koharu-chan asked. "Wow, it looks so cool, Koharu-chan!" I said.

It was nice that it was just me & Koharu-chan, just hanging out. It was a little lonely though without Yume-chan's perky personality. I finished another drawing a new Coord design, and then I got started on another drawing. "Oh, Koharu-chan, we're almost out of paper." I said.

"Really? That too bad." Koharu-chan said sadly. Hmm... I got it. I'll just go get some more supplies." I said. "Really? That would be nice." "Good! It's settled! I be back soon, so don't wait up." I said.

I grabbed some of my normal clothes and then when on my way after changing. "Hmm, do we need anything else?" I asked myself. I was wearing my clothes from last time but chose to wear this time, hot pink flats.

"I could go grab some books on singing for Yume-chan..." I thought. Yume-chan was getting so much better. I then thought about her first performance and how she impressed all of us. "I can't fall behind, I gotta make sure to step it up!" I thought, feeling motivated.

I went around the corner and then I accidentally ran into someone. "Oh sorry!" I exclaimed.

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Aikatsu Stars! Another Story: Subaru Yuki x Kanade TanakaWhere stories live. Discover now