Growing Emotions and Overcome

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Intro: Yume & Kanade: "We're gonna be first star idols one day! Nijino Yume! Tanaka Kanade! Starting our Aikatsu!"

Kanade's POV

Yume-chan, Koharu-chan, Laura and I were in the cafeteria, discussing about Yume-chan's CD debut. We were discussing it when we heard on Aikatsu TV that Hime-senpai's album was going to be out on the same day as Yume-chan's CD.

"Okay! I'm definitely gonna get Hime-senpai's album!" Yume-chan said. "Right?"
Yume-chan looked at the three of us, unaware of the release date herself. "What is it?" She asked.

"Yume-chan..." I was about to say. "Weren't you listening?" Laura finished. "To what?" Yume-chan asked. "The release date is the same as your CD's." Koharu-chan answered. "Release date?" Yume-chan said, finally grasping it. "Hime-senpai's CD is almost certain to be a million seller." I said, more worried.

"Having your release dates clash would be a tough break for anyone." Laura said. But when looked at Yume-chan, she didn't seemed worried or concerned. "Wow, look at the time." "See you later!" Yume-chan said, leaving us confused by her non concerned words. "She really is unaware of how all this is for her." Laura said.

"Yeah." Koharu-chan said. "Let's just trust Yume-chan." I said. "She's not the type to worry." I said. "You're right I guess." Laura said. I then got a ring on my mobile and opened it. "Hello?" I asked. I was talking on to the person on the phone, and it turns out the famous music producer from before! "Mr. Suzuki? How can I help you?" I asked.

"We like to thank you for your last performance and were wondering if you wanted to perform again?" He asked. "Really?!" I asked. I was amazed that Mr. Suzuki asked for me, when he could've asked for any other Idol like Hime-senpai.

I asked what for, and Mr. Suzuki asked for me to perform at a charity event and this time, do a special live!" "I've heard so much about since then, and I never knew that you were a idol at Four Star Academy." He said.

"I guess I forgot to mention that." I said. "Last time when I went out, I was in my casual clothes and not my uniform, so I guess I never mentioned that." I thought.

After getting the information about where the charity was being held and the time, I got off the mobile and told Laura and Koharu-chan about it. "Wow, that's amazing, Kanade-chan." Koharu-chan said. "You get to do a special live. This really gets me going!" Laura said. "Mm-mmh" I replied.

Mr. Suzuki also said that I could bring my "friend" from before if I wanted to. "But first, I need to get a good Coord!" I thought. "See you later you guys." I said, before leaving the cafeteria.

The charity event was at 14:00 so I had about 4 hours to prepare. "Ok, first to the dress make room." I said. I went to the dress make room and used my Grade-Up Glitter to make a new Coord I been designing.

"Ok, this goes here. This should go here." I was picking out the final colors and finished making my new Rare Coord.

"Heartful Lumière Coord." I said, looking at the cards. So beautiful. After picking out my Coord, I was picking out a song to sing. "Hmm." I thought of all the songs I sung til now. "I think... This one!" I exclaimed, looking at the lyrics.

Ok, now to ask Subaru-kun." I thought. I was a little nervous because I was worried he would busy. I was also worried about Yume-chan, ever since her performance.

I looked at my mobile and then decided to call him. "Ok, just call and ask." I thought. After a short while, he finally picked up, which for some reason made me relieved. "Yes?" Subaru-kun asked.

"Oh um, I was just calling to ask if you wanted to come with me to a charity event with me. I'm doing a special live there, so I was hoping..." I said. "That is, as long as you're not busy with your work." I said.

Aikatsu Stars! Another Story: Subaru Yuki x Kanade TanakaWhere stories live. Discover now