The making of a Premium Rare Dress

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Intro: Yume & Kanade: "We're gonna be first star idols one day!" Nijino Yume! Tanaka Kanade! Starting our Aikatsu!"

Kanade's POV

The four of us were in the cafeteria as usually, and we were looking through a magazine full of cute autumn clothes. "They're all so cute!" Yume-chan exclaimed. "Nice. It makes me  want to get some autumn clothes." Laura said. "These looks great!" I said. "They really do." Yume-chan said. "But this weekend..." Yume-chan trailed off. "What?" Laura asked. "Oh yeah, I think My Little Heart is holding their Autumn Collection." I said.

Yume-chan holds up the page, showing the info on the event

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Yume-chan holds up the page, showing the info on the event."I forgotten." Koharu-chan said. "They must be revealing their new Premium Rare Dress there." Laura said. "I can't help but admire those special dresses that only S4 can wear." Koharu-chan said. "I know what mean, they're so beautiful." I added.

"They're one of a kind, made to order." Laura said. "I'm so hyped up I can't contain my excitement!" Yume-chan said. "Yeah! I can't wait!" I said. "Can I come along?" Koharu-chan asked. "This gets me fired up!" Laura said. "Yeah, let's all go together!" Yume-chan said. This will be so much fun!

Later me & Yume-chan made our way to the Dress Make Room to make a new dress with all the excitement. "What kind of dress should I make today?" I thought. "Yume-chan! Kanade-chan!"

"Huh?" We look up and saw Hime-senpai! "Hime-senpai!" We called, seeing her on the upper level. We went up to the second floor, and it was amazing for our first time. "Here for Dress Make? I was just up thinking about dresses too." Hime-senpai said.

"You mean for the collection?" Yume-chan said. "Yes." Hime-senpai replied. "Wow! We're really excited for it!" Yume-chan said. "We can't wait to see the autumn collection." I said. What kind of dress will it be?" I asked.

 What kind of dress will it be?" I asked

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"To be honest, it's not finalized yet." Hime-senpai said. "Huh?" Yume-chan asked. "I'm about to go to the design meeting. There, it will be finalized." Hime-senpai said. "Really? That's great!" I said. We then felt the "chilly breeze" again! "This cold!" I exclaimed. "That meeting... I have come to express my desire to attend." Lily-senpai said, coming up the stairs.

Aikatsu Stars! Another Story: Subaru Yuki x Kanade TanakaWhere stories live. Discover now