Koharu's Confidence

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Intro: Yume & Kanade: "We're gonna be first star idols one day! Nijino Yume! Tanaka Kanade! Starting our Aikatsu!"

Kanade's POV

The four of us were in the cafeteria as usual, but Koharu-chan was looking pretty spaced out. "Koharu-chan?" Yume-chan called to her. "Koharu-chan!" I called. Koharu-chan then snapped out of her trace and noticed us. "Oh!" She reacted.

"Are you ok Koharu-chan, you looked a little spaced out." I asked. "I'm fine, it's just..." "Oh, no!" Laura said interrupting. "What's is it?" Yume-chan asked.

"Yume, Kanade, We need to get going." Laura said. "Oh right, I forgot!" Yume-chan said. We then got up from our seats. "Do you guys need to be somewhere?" Koharu-chan asked. "Song class's got a lesson before our next class." I said.

Bye Koharu-chan. See you later." Yume-chan said.
  We said goodbye to Koharu-chan before we went on our way to Song Class. But I couldn't help but shake the feeling that Koharu-chan was trying to tell us something.

 But I couldn't help but shake the feeling that Koharu-chan was trying to tell us something

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We went on our way to Song Class. Later in class, Ms Hibiki wanted Yume-chan, Laura and me to take some heavy speakers to the music room, to which we did as we were walking outside. The only problem was...

"This is so heavy!" Yume-chan exclaimed. "Just a little bit more, Yume-chan." I said, trying to reassure her. Yume-chan was carrying a large ton of speakers behind her in a wagon as I was carrying some heavy ones in my hands."This is nothing. The foundation of every idol is her stamina." Laura said.

"Her Aikatsu Power, you might say." "Hopefully, it isn't too much for Yume-chan." I thought. "Stop making sense." Yume-chan said.

As Yume-chan continued walking, she looked like she was getting the hang of it. "It suddenly got a lot lighter. So this is Aikatsu Power." Yume-chan said.

"I'll lend you a hand." We then turn to see it was Koharu-chan, grabbing the back of the wagon.

"Koharu-chan!" I said. "Are you sure?" Yume asked. Koharu-chan agreed and so we were able to carried the speakers with ease.

 Koharu-chan agreed and so we were able to carried the speakers with ease

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Aikatsu Stars! Another Story: Subaru Yuki x Kanade TanakaWhere stories live. Discover now