Popularity Contest!

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Intro: Yume and Kanade: We're definitely gonna be first star idols one day! Nijino Yume...And Tanaka Kanade...."

"Starting our Aikatsu!"

Kanade's POV

("So far on Aikatsu Stars! My name's Kanade Tanaka, a second-year exchange student at the idol school, Venus Ark.

As a top idol and member of the newly formed S5, I work my hardest at my Aikatsu every day. As well as proving myself to Subaru-kun. Venus Ark appeared without warning. It's owner and top idol, Elza-san sails around the world, scouting out idols who skills she finds worthy of joining.

Right now I'm studying Star Premium Rare Coords, so that I can create a Dress worthy of earning my Star Wings! When you're approved by the Aikatsu System, it grants you them. I can't wait to earn mine!")

"It was so incredible seeing Laura earn her own brand finally! After Tsubasa-senpai left for Hollywood in order to pursuit acting, Laura inherited Spice Cord, and now she's definitely gonna try her hardest to make a Star Premium Rare Dress too!"

"It was so incredible seeing Laura earn her own brand finally! After Tsubasa-senpai left for Hollywood in order to pursuit acting, Laura inherited Spice Cord, and now she's definitely gonna try her hardest to make a Star Premium Rare Dress too!"

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I was with Yume-chan, Mahiru-chan, Koharu-chan and Laura, as we were working on our exercises. We were trying to improve our Aikatsu so that we would be able to get Star Wings.

"Aikatsu! Aikatsu! Aikatsu!"

We soon took a break as we saw Elza-san's butler come in, carrying something in hand.


The five of us stood up and walked over to see what it was.

"Tanaka-sama, you have a letter."

"A letter?"

Mahiru-chan took it and looked at it first.

"It's addressed to you, Kanade."

"I wonder what for though."

Considering it was a letter, I was quite curious as to what it was about.

"Is it fan mail?"

Regardless, I opened it up to see what was inside, as the girls looked at it as well. Inside the envelope was a letter, and I read it carefully. It said something about being picked for this year's Aikatsu Popularity contest.

"Popularity contest?" Yume-chan asked.


Opening (STARDOM)

Aikatsu Stars! Another Story: Subaru Yuki x Kanade TanakaWhere stories live. Discover now