Rivals & Subaru's Advice

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Yume & Kanade: "We're gonna be first star idols one day!
"Nijino Yume! Tanaka Kanade!" "Beginning our Aikatsu!

Kanade's POV
Yume-chan, Koharu-chan, and I were sitting on the bed bunk, watching the Aikatsu News. The S4 members were talking about Yume-chan's performance.

I thought it was so awesome how well Yume-chan did. Koharu-chan said that I did amazingly as well but I was still in shocked at how amazing it was on stage.

"I want to feel that, always." I thought. Yume-chan said that she didn't remember the performance and was worried.

Me and Koharu-chan cheered her up, telling her that luck is also a talent as well. We then prepared for our busy day tomorrow. "Yume-chan, Koharu-chan, let's do our best!" I said. "Yeah! Let's!" Koharu-chan said. "I might've taken my first step towards becoming a top idol!" Yume-chan said, with determination in her eyes.

I was still up though, thinking about what Subaru-san asked. "What did he want to see me for? I thought maybe it was for something important. "Hmm, what could it be?" It had me poundering for a while, til I fell to sleep.

The next day, everyone was saying hi and congratulating Yume-chan on her performance. Some came up to me about mine, asking how I got my voice to be like that.

You two seem to be really popular since your performances." Koharu-chan said to us as we walked to our class. "Yeah, but Yume-chan's performance was amazing." I said. I was still wondering how she did that.

In class, I barely managed to keep up though, Ms Hibiki was having us do some running to build stamina. "Aikatsu! Aikatsu!" The students all shouted as we ran. I was so focused on what Subaru said I almost lost my footing. "Luckily, no one noticed that." I sighed.

Next up, we were doing vocal practice. "You next!" Ms Hibiki said to me. I tried doing it while trying to project my voice, and managed. "Nice one, Kanade-chan!" Yume-chan said, smiling. I was happy I managed.

Yume-chan on the other hand, was struggling with projecting her voice. Her voice sounded like she yelling. "I don't get it? Why isn't she doing what she did before?" I said, referring to her performance.

Ms Hibiki then had us take a break, in which Laura-san came over to us to see if Yume-chan was actually able to pull off that performance. I on the other hand, was trying to keep up to make sure I went to see Subaru-san after our classes.

In class, Ms Hibiki told us that we would be auditioning soon for our classes soon.
So to pick a class, Koharu-chan, Yume-chan, and I went to check out the classes.

"Let's go, Koharu-chan, Kanade-chan." Let's start with the Wind Dance Class. Yume-chan said to us."Sure." Koharu-chan replied. "I don't see why not." I said.

In the Wind Dance Class, Yuzu-senpai was showing us how to act and dance like cats, while the teacher was encouraging us to try. "U-Um, I'll pass." "You don't see things like this in London." I said to Yume-chan.

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