Tundra Songtress, Lilie

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Intro: Yume & Kanade: "We're gonna be first star idols one day! Nijino Yume! Tanaka Kanade! Starting our Aikatsu!" 

Kanade's POV

Yume-chan, Laura and I were in the Cafeteria, reminiscing about the past

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Yume-chan, Laura and I were in the Cafeteria, reminiscing about the past. "It's really amazing it been half a year since we first enrolled in Four Star Academy." I made so many friends and it been a fun experience." "Ako-chan, Laura, Mahiru, and Subaru-kun..." I was snapped out of my thoughts  when Yume-chan was talking about finding her own individuality. 

"Alright! I'm gonna find my own individuality!" Yume-chan exclaimed. "Huh?" I thought. Laura explained to me that Yume-chan wanted to find her own originality. "Really?" I thought. I mean I could understand that, Laura was a rock star style and mine being more of a Pop star style.

Later in the cafeteria again, Koharu-chan came to the three of us to tell us something. "Four Star Academy's seven luckies?" Laura asked. "Yeah! They said that your dream will come true if you find them all." Koharu-chan said.

"So they answer your prayers?" I asked, curious. "I think that's pretty close." She replied. "All right! I'm gonna find all seven and wish for a strong sense of Individuality!" Yume-chan declared. "I'm in!" Laura said. "Me too!" I added.

"Come on! Investigation starts at the legs!" Yume-chan said, pulling out a magnify Glass. "I think you're making a big deal out of this." Koharu-chan said. "Where did you get that from?" I thought. 

"Anyway, so where do we start looking?" I asked. "The first says to look for four enormous aligned stars inside the school. Then you will become a big star yourself." Laura said, looking at her mobile. "That doesn't give us much to go on." I said."yeah, but it's worth a shot." Laura said. "It sounds like S4's emblem." Koharu-chan said.

"I know that one." Mahiru-chan said. We turned around to see her behind our seats at a table. "Mahiru-chan!" Yume exclaimed. We then all went to the running field and saw the four stars, on the ground!" "That's the big stars!" I said. "Thanks Mahiru-chan! Hopefully we can find the rest just as easy." Yume-chan said.

"For the second, make a prayer towards the infinite world

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"For the second, make a prayer towards the infinite world. Declare your resolve to your infinite self within the mirror." Laura said. "That sounds really challenging." I said. "Yeah, just a mirror? There are so many of those on campus." Yume-chan added. 

"And what does it mean by "Infinite self?" Mahiru-chan asked. "It doesn't sound like a ordinary mirror." Koharu-chan said. Hmm.." I was thinking about the meaning behind the phase "Infinite self." "?!" It then hit me, as well as Laura by what it meant. 

So the five of us went to one of the rooms in the academy that had multiple mirrors. "We found it!" I exclaimed. 

"I'm gonna find my individuality!" Yume-chan said. "Daily Devotion!" Koharu-chan said. " Always do my best!" I said. "Sharpen my singing!" Laura said. "I don't want to lose to Onee-chan!" Mahiru-chan said as well. 

After yelling our desires into the mirror, we proceeded to look for the other seven lucky and found the fairy, beautiful face in the art room, the musical clock, and then proceeded for number six at night.

"At nightfall, open your ears to the melody of the piano." I said.The five of us enter the lesson room at night, and found a small little piano playing music. "May my singing improve." Laura said. "May Subaru-kun have a great second semester." I whispered. "Improve!" Yume-chan said.

The next day in the cafeteria,  we were all still trying to figure out the last one

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The next day in the cafeteria,  we were all still trying to figure out the last one. "But how are we supposed to find it?" Yume-chan asked. "Unlike the other ones, we don't even know where to start." Mahiru-chan said. 

"Yeah." I added. "It's a mystery." Koharu-chan said. "Search for the Tundra Diva, who turns all those who look upon her into ice." Laura said, reading the clue. "Where could she be hiding?" Yume-chan asked. "And anyway, what kind of person is a diva?" I asked.


After a lot of running around, we were no where close to finding the Diva. With no clues still we head back to the cafeteria, and find Katsura-senpai and Yuri-senpai who discover that we're looking for the seven lucky stars, as well as all idols at Four Star Academy.

Miki-senpai explains to us that the Tundra Diva is actually a student of Four Star Academy, named Shirogane Lilie-san, and she is also a senior manager but is not currently coming school due to health problems.

" I wonder how she got that nickname though." I said. "Well, it's actually difficult to explain." Katsura-senpai said. They explained that Lilie-senpai had a large amount of Individuality, which seemed to have gotten Yume-chan's attention.

The five of us later went to the computers room to check out a video of Lilie-senpai and see what she was like. "Lilie-senpai..." I muttered. When Laura clicked on the video, we felt a strong ice cold air and a shiver going through our body. 

"So this is the Tundra Diva..." Yume-chan said. "Incredible." I added.


After watching some more videos of Lilie-senpai, we were in awe at her talent. Yume-chan seemed more fired up and thought we should come up with our own catchphases. "Catchphases?" We all asked, confused.

"Don't, you want something like the Tundra Diva?" Yume-chan asked.

We all looked at each other. "I think having a good firm on your identity is the first step." Yume-chan said. "I guess your right." I said."That gets me going!" Laura said. "I get it!" Koharu-chan added. "You have a point." Mahiru-chan said.

We watched as Yume-chan continued to try and think of a nickname for herself. "I wonder what I could be." "How about Glowing Princess?" I thought. 


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