Small Talk

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"Can I sit here?" I ask. Studying Jacks face. This is the first time I've been this close to him. I notice he has a nose ring. His eyes are deep and soulful, they seem to draw me into him. I want more than anything to get to know Jack. "Yeah. Go ahead." He says, giving me a slight smile. We sit in a semi awkward silence for about three minutes, until I decide to say something. "Do you mind that I'm here?" I say, putting my phone on the table, looking straight at him, so he knows that I want to talk. He puts the controller of his game down and looks at me. "No, of course I don't mind. Why would I?" He says, looking right at me. I try not to let myself blush. I instantly want to look away, as the feeling of staring into each other's eyes sends heaps of butterflies down my stomach. I suddenly realize how nervous I am. I shift uncomfortably. "I don't know..." I say, trailing off and breaking the eye contact. I can tell he's still looking at me. "I guess, it just felt like you don't really want me here.. I mean, I totally get that.. I wouldn't like it if somebody suddenly started to hang out with my friends, without them asking me, and stuff." I get the courage to look up at Jack for a few seconds before looking away again. "I don't not like you. In fact.." He trails off. "It's just.. it's complicated. I'm sorry" I sense the tension between us grow. "Well, I'm hoping it won't have to be too complicated for long, because I would really love to get to know you." I say, smiling. I force myself to look up at Jack. I'm glad I finally looked up, because when I did, I saw that he was already staring at me. His beautiful eyes fixed on mine. "I would like that too." He says, still looking into my eyes. Jack and I spend the next 15, or 20 minutes talking. Slowly, I feel the coldness leave Jack, and I feel him opening up to me.

Our conversation is cut short by John yelling into the house. "Jack, we need you out here." Jack gets up from the couch and offers me a hand. I smile, and take it. Using his hand to help me get up. I follow him out into the backyard. The shoot continues for hours. It sounds like it would get boring, but there was never a dull moment. I felt so happy, just watching these 5 best friends goof off with each other. Before I know it, it's already 9:30 PM. The shoot is finally wrapping up. John and Alice leave, saying their goodbyes. "Wow. That was quite something." I say to all 5 boys. "You're just happy you saw me shirtless." Zach says, with a laugh, shooting me a cheeky grin. "Oh yeah, sure." I say sarcastically. I look over at Jack to see him looking at me. His eyes quickly dart away. I can't help but feel excited that he looks at me when I'm not looking. "We're gonna have a late dinner, and order pizza. You'll stay, right?" Asked Jonah. "Pizzas on me" he continued. "I don't know.." I say slowly. "I would have to ask my mom."

"Text her" Jack said, out of the blue. I slowly looked up at him. "Okay, actually, I will." I text my mom some made up story, telling her that I'm at Rachael's, house and that I've been invited over for dinner, and a sleepover. I'll just sneak into the house late at night and tell her I got a ride home from Rachael's mom. I normally don't lie to my parents, but there's no way my mom would let me stay home alone with 5 boys she had never met before this late at night. She replies quickly, and says yes; requesting that I say hi to Rachael for her.
"Okay." I say. "I can stay."

After ordering pizza, we all go down to the basement. It's the nicest basement I've seen. It's completely furnished, and designed specifically to be the boys' "chill room." We sit on the ground in front of the large screen T.V, watching terrible, yet amazing comedy movies. Before I know it, I'm beginning to fall asleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep for, but Daniel shakes me awake. "Emily, you fell asleep mate. Do you want to stay the night here? It's really late to drive you home, or for you to walk, and we really wouldn't mind." I shut my eyes again, feeling like I could fall asleep. "Okay.." I say, drifting off again. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I open my eyes. Jack's crystal eyes are staring down at me.

"Here, you can take my room. I'll sleep on the couch." The 4 other boys in the room, still talking about the movies we had been watching, and yet somehow it feels like it's just Jack and I. I nod tiredly. "She's gonna take your bed for the night?" Jonah asks "Yeah, I guess." Jack replies, unsure of himself. "I'll sleep down here, or in the living room, it's fine."

"You sure? I don't mind giving up my room either." Jonah says, acting like a big brother. Jack shakes his head, and Jonah shrugs, probably relieved that he gets to sleep in his own bed tonight. The other boys, who clearly aren't as tired as I am continue to talk. To my surprise, they begin to look for another movie to watch. Instantly they start arguing over which movie to play.

Jack walks me up the stairs. "This one's my room. You can sleep here." I slowly walk in and sit on the bed, observing his room. Jack digs through his drawer, looking for something, and I run my tired eyes. Before I know it, he tosses some clothes at me. "Huh?" I say, slightly startled. "You can wear this to sleep, if you don't want to wear your shirt and pants." I look in front of me at the oversized tee shirt. It's so big, it would probably look like a dress on me. "Okay" I say.  Jack leaves the room momentarily so I can change into his shirt. I feel cute in it. It's so long. I inhale the subtle scent of the shirt. It smells like him. He knocks on the door, and I open it. I swear I could see a quick blush flush over his face as he sees me in his shirt. I couldn't tell for sure though. "I.." he stammers "I was just heading back downstairs. I was wondering if you needed anything else before I go" he said. Scratching the back of his neck.

I walk toward the bed, and get under the covers. I can't believe I'm in Jack's bed. It's so warm, and cozy. He's still waiting at the doorframe.

"Will you talk to me for a few minutes before I sleep?" I ask. Jack seems to think over the question for a few seconds before coming to sit on the edge of the bed.

I can't hide the smile that takes over my face. He sits on the opposite end of the bed, leaving a good amount of space between us. It doesn't change how happy I am.

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