All the lights

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I walk up to Jack, and he pushes himself up and off the car. He walks around it, and opens the door for me. I quickly make my way over and hop in; waiting for him to get in on his side.

As he gets in, he turns on the engine, and puts the car in reverse, backing out of his spot. He turns around to look over his shoulder to make sure he's driving carefully. I can't help but stare; and admire his beautiful face, and jawline, and just everything about him. Jack strains his neck a little more to make sure he isn't going to run into anything. As he does, I see the end of a tattoo become exposed on his neck. Jack has a tattoo. I feel the urge to pull his shirt down just enough to see the tattoo, but I know that would be extremely awkward. Instead, I decide that I will wait, and bring up the tattoo later, or I'll wait until he wears a shirt with a low neckline, so I can see the tattoo perfectly. "Crap." Jack says. He puts his arm around the back of my chair, and props himself up so he can see even further. "There we go" he says, and takes the car out of reverse. Just like that, we are ready to go.

After driving for a few minutes, Jack cranks up the radio, and an old Taylor Swift song comes blasting through the speakers. Normally, this isn't the kind of music I would listen to, but it reminds me of the 8th grade, and I can't help but to sing along.

"Do you remember we were sitting there by the water? You put your arms around me for the first time. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing. That's ever been mine!!" At this point, I'm so carefree, yelling out the lyrics, I'm sure Jack is probably judging me so hard. To my surprise, during the next chorus, Jack begins to sing along. He sings just as loudly as me, laughing as he sings. So there we both are, driving along a quiet road, singing our hearts out to old Taylor Swift, feeling so absolutely carefree. I've never felt this comfortable with somebody so quickly. As the song ends, Jack turns down the volume, and we both begin to laugh, letting our uncontrollable giggles erupt. As we both calm down, I begin to speak "Well, that was fun.. a little embarrassing.. but fun." I say, stifling a few last giggles. "What's embarassing about having fun, Em?" I feel myself blush. Nobody has ever given me a nickname before, except my parents. I like it. I like it a lot. "Well.. nothing I guess." I say, smiling proudly. "Exactly." Jack smiles, and pulls off onto another side street. I have no idea where we are going, so I decide to ask. "So, where exactly are we going?" I ask, looking out the window, and admiring the view. "My secret spot" he says, keeping his eyes on the road, slowly turning down another street.

The sun is beginning to set, and we have been driving for about 15 minutes, when Jack pulls into an empty parking lot. "Come with me." He says, holding out his hand. I take it in mine, as he leads me along a small overgrown path. As we reach the end of the path, my jaw drops. What's in front of me is absolutely georgous. There must be miles of Sandy beach in front of me. It's not like the beaches my parents take me to though. There isn't a person to be seen. To my left, there is a long pier, extending far over the water. As I'm admiring the view, Jack let's go of my and, drops his backpack to the ground, and takes off his shoes. I do the same. The feeling of the soft, white sand beneath my feet is incredible. I continue looking around. In the distance, I can see a Ferris wheel, and what looks like a fairground, covered in bright lights. It's so beautiful here. "Welcome to my paradise." Jack says, as he takes a few steps so he's standing beside me. "It's beautiful. It's.." I pause, feeling lost for words. "I used to come here with my mom. But then she and my sister's moved away. I would have moved with them, but I need to stay with the boys, because of our music and stuff." As I look around, I see multiple "No trespassing" signs. "Are we trespassing?" I ask Jack. "Well, technically yes. That's why there's nobody anywhere near us. It's okay though. See that little white house over there?" Jack says, pointing at an adorable little white house, surrounded in picket fence. I nod, and he continues speaking. "Well, when I was younger, the old lady who lives there used to babysit me. She was almost like a grandmother to me. She's a lot older now, but we are still in contact. Sometimes after school, and on weekends, I'll come over here, to play checkers with her, and make her dinner. She's quite lonely, so she loves it whenever I'm out here. She's more than happy for me to come out to the beach. As long as I treat it well. So no parties." Jack laughs, seeming almost nostalgic, thinking about coming here with his mother, and his younger sisters. "I used to play tag with my sisters. They were so little, one of my strides was equal to 4 of theirs. They would try so hard to beat me at tag. I would always slow down so they could catch me, but they caught on. They're so smart. The would say to me: 'Jack stop faking! Run. I want to learn to be fast like you, and I can't do that if you fake run all the time!' I miss them a lot. I love the guys, they're like brothers to me, but it's so hard not seeing my little sisters every day, not getting to see them grow up kind of sucks." Jack sits on the sand, and I sit beside him.

"Well, your sisters sound like really smart girls. I would love to meet them." I say, smiling. And what I say is true. I would love to meet Jack's sisters. "We should go visit them some time." Jack says, smiling. "In the meantime.." I say "I may not be your sister, but I do love a good game of tag." I give Jack a playful look, and tap him on the shoulder, shouting "Tag! You're it!" As I begin to run away. To Jack's surprise, I'm a very fast runner. I sprint away, making circles, and dodging him at all costs. I look back to see Jack is gaining speed, quickly, he's getting closer and closer to me. Before I know it, I'm out of breath, and have to slow down. As I slow my pace, I end up tripping on my foot, and fall backwards on the sand. Jack is coming up to me, and tags me on the shoulder. I start to laugh at myself for falling. Jack laughs too. He sits down next to me in the sand. We sit there and talk for almost 2 hours, and watch the sun set, a majestic peach colour, with streaks of pink, and yellow.

Jack checks his phone, and says "Wow, 6 o'clock. I'm getting kind of hungry." I nod, agreeing. I've been feeling a bit hungry for awhile now. He gets up, and begins walking toward the carnival grounds. The walk looks like it will be extremely long, but goes by quickly, as we talk the whole way. When we get close, Jack takes my hand and helps me climb onto the boardwalk.

"Wow. It smells like everything deepfried." I say, taking a deep breath. "I hope you're down to eat unhealthy tonight." Jack says, with his adorable little smile. "Not only am I down to eat all of this fried food.. but I am excited to." I say, returning Jack's smile. Since the sun has set, It's beginning to get dark out, and the lights around the carnival look beautiful. Jack walks up to the first food truck we see, and looks through the menu. "Ooh, let's get corndogs" I cheer, excitedly, looking at the menu. "Two corn dogs, and two large fries please." Jack says to the man in the truck. "That'll be 8.40" the man says. I pull out my wallet to cover my half of the $8.40, but Jack stops me. "Hey, I asked you to come here with me, so I got the bills. Don't worry. You aren't spending a penny tonight." I whimper, telling Jack that I want to help pay. Eventually though, I give up, and decide to just enjoy my time with him.

We get eat our corndogs as we walk, and play a few carnival games. We pass by another food truck that sells deep fried desserts. "Ohmygod" I say, looking at the menu, seeing so many feel fried desserts. "I need everything from this truck." I say. "I applaud your appetite." Jack says, laughing. "I pat my tummy and laugh too. Jack takes my hand and gives it a quick squeeze before letting go, and going up to the lady in the food truck. "I'll take one order of deep fried Oreos, one order of mini donughts, and two ice cream sandwiches." "That'll be 9 dollars and 20 cents" the young blonde girl says cheerfully. Jack gives her the money, and in return she gives us enough junk food to feed a herd of small children. We find a bench, and eat every last bit of each dessert. My stomach is beyond full, but everything was so good.

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