cigarette daydreams

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~Authors note: hey guys, I hope you're enjoying this story! For this chapter, I highly recommend looking up the songs I include because they really set the mood! Enjoy <3 ~

We pull up to the empty parking lot by the beach, and Jack pulls into the same spot as last time. I notice the little house Jack mentioned last time. There is an old lady walking around. Jack takes my hand and guides me up to the white painted door of the house before he begins knocking. I can see through the window that the old lady is a bit startled by the loud knock. Her face however, instantly lights up when she sees who is at the door.
"Ohhh, Jack! What a lovely surprise! Oh, now who is this lovely young lady?" She says with a great smile, pinching my cheek. I can't help but smile at her cheery old person demeanor. "This is Emily." Jack says. He continues to speak, "We were planning on going to the beach, but I wanted to introduce you both first." The elderly lady smiles, and puts a hand on her thinning head of curly grey and white hair. "Well this is perfect timing because I have two cups of hot cocoa with your names on them!" She claps and shuffles over toward the kitchen, gesturing for us to follow her. We enter the house, and Jack shuts the door behind him. She tells us to make ourselves at home while she makes the hot chocolate. Jack and I sit beside each other on the run down, yet extremely comfortable burgandy sofa. There is a reclining chair that is a burnt Orange colour, and I can tell it is where the old lady spends most of her day. She brings us the chocolate drinks, and sits in her recliner. We fall into conversation and talk for hours. I can really understand why Jack enjoys spending so much time here. After all our conversation, Jack asks if she needs any help with anything around the house before we have to leave. She shakes her head and laughs, saying "Oh no, I'll be fine with my T.V. and my newspaper. You kids go have your fun!" She says, embracing me in a frail yet lovely hug. As we are leaving she pulls Jack to the side, and I can vaguely hear what she is saying. "Oh, my Jack boy. I always knew you were waiting to find the perfect girl. You sure found her. She is so sweet, and quite the catch too. I'm proud of you Jacky, there are so many girls out there. You sure picked a good one." Jack smiles and laughs at the woman, giving her an exceedingly long hug. As he holds the old woman in his arms, he whispers "I did. And I couldn't be happier."

After cleaning our mugs in the sink, and putting them back, Jack and I leave the house and walk along the path to the beach. The path is completely overgrown. You would never know that such a beautiful beach would lie on the other side of this mess of leaves and hanging vines.

"So, what did you want to do here?" Jack asks. This time, I take his hand and lead him to the pier. I take out my phone, and my portable speaker from the bag I had been carrying with me. Silently, I turn the speaker on and play what I remember Jack had said was his favourite song. Cigarette Daydreams. Somehow, every time I hear this song, I feel like it's about me. I know, clearly it isn't, but it just fits so perfectly. I let the song play on the speaker, and Jack's eyes widen. We both lay down on the wooden boards of the pier, and listen to the song in silence, letting the music take us over. We stare up at the sky, and listen to each lyric, as if it was the last time we would ever hear the song together. For all we knew, maybe it would be.

As the song finishes, I continue laying there on the wooden pier with Jack. We are both quiet, but happy. Extremely happy. I reach over and take his hand, he clasps on gently, yet firmly. It feels like he'lll never let go. I hope he wont ever let go. We lay there for what must be hours, just talking, and laughing together. As it gets darker, we admire the stars; pointing out all of the constellations we can see. I find find the big dipper, and Jack finds almost every other constellation. He teaches me about ones I didn't even know existed. I decide to be slightly bold, and I adjust my body so that my head is resting on Jack's chest. He doesn't seem to mind, as he adjusts his hand and places in on my stomach; holding me comfortingly. This moment couldn't possibly be ruined.

Suddenly, my phone is vibrating in my pocket, and my mom is calling. Jack carefully takes his arm off of my body. I give him an apologetic smile and walk to the other end of the boardwalk, toward the beach.

"Oh hi mom. Sorry I'm out so late."

"You said you would be home for dinner, and it's almost your curfew, young lady."

"I'm so sorry I forgot to ask if I could stay out, mom. Rachael and I made a new friend and were invited to sleepover. I didn't want to ask you earlier because I thought you would say no."

"Sweetie, I always support you making new friends. Of course you can stay out, just please next time let me know, so I don't stay up worrying."

"I know. I'm sorry mom"

"It's okay sweetie. I love you. Have fun, call the home phone if you need anything."

"I love you too mom. Goodnight. Tell dad I say goodnight too."

I hang up the phone and feel a pang of guilt for lying to my mom. I also don't know what I will do when I come home late tonight, since I'm not staying over with Jack. I guess I will have to lie again and tell her I felt sick so I walked home. I make my way over to Jack, who is now standing, with my bag, and speaker in his hand.

"I told my mom that I'm at a sleepover so that she'll let me stay out later." I say to Jack. His eyes widen. I wonder if he's judging me for lying to my mom. I try to explain myself. "She probably wouldn't let me stay out so late if she knew I was with you. I mean, don't get me wrong! She knows about you, and really wants to meet you.. she just wouldn't be too happy with me" Jack smiles and laughs. "But does that mean you're sleeping over?" He asks. "No no, I've spent way too much time at your house. I don't want everybody to get tired of me. I'll just sneak in once my parents are sleeping." I say. "But.. you don't have to go home if you don't want to. I mean, I would be happy if you kept me company.. plus, while you were on your phone, I got a text saying that your friend Rachael is staying over too." I think for a second, surprised that Rachael is already staying the night. "Woah. That was unexpected." I say with a laugh. "I would love to stay over then." I smile, and Jack takes my hand, leading me back through the green path to the abandoned parking lot where his car sits. As we pass by the house of the old lady, there isn't a single light to be seen. I guess she had gone to sleep, along with most other people in the City.

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