9 in the afternoon

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At exactly 9:03 the next morning, Rachael is knocking on my front door. I let her in, and notice her outfit. She's dressed cute but still casual, rocking a white teeshirt tucked into a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. When I explain to her what the plan for the day is, (as well as my date yesterday) she freaks out.

"THE NEW GUYS?? THE HOT ONES?? YOU HAVE BEEN FRIENDS WITH THEM FOR OVER A WEEK AND DIDN'T TELL ME?? EMILY THIS IS HUGE. I CAN'T. I CAN'T. I CAN'T. YOU'RE DATING ONE OF THE HOTTEST GUYS I'VE LAID EYES ON. AND HIS FRIENDS.. OH MY GOD HIS FRIENDS ARE SO FINE." I put my hand over her mouth to tell her to relax. "Rach. Chill, you've gotta be relaxed. They're really nice guys, honestly." 

My mom comes down the stairs in a floral nightgown. She greets Rachael, who she has always loved. "Rachael, my dear, how are you?" My mom asks, giving Rachael a hug. "I've been great, Kate, thank you for asking! How about you? How's the market doing?" My mom smiles. She loves how much of a kiss up Rachael is to her. I almost giggle, knowing Rachael couldn't care less about the stock market. "It's doing great, which is a large part of the reason why I'm doing great!" Rachael giggles. My mom claps her hands and begins to speak. "Now, now, I won't hold you girls captive. I know you're going somewhere, so I'll let you be free." She shoos us with her hands, and we leave out the front door. "Tell dad I say good morning when he wakes up!" I call to my mom, as Rachael and I walk down the front path. "Will do! You girls have fun!" She replies, shutting the door.

Neither Rachael or I are big drivers, so we decide to walk there. The whole way there, Rachael is talking non stop about how attractive Daniel is. She has always been the type to talk non stop about whatever she wants to talk about. "He's so cute, the way he's shorter than me. Hugging him would just be the cutest." Rachael says, mimicking a hugging motion. Rachael has always been very tall for a girl. When we were younger, and I was barely 4'10, she was already 5'6. Now, I'm 5'5, and she's 6'0. It's great for her that she loves how tall she is, but it makes it hard to find guys who are interested in her, because barely any of the guys at our school are any taller than 5'7. "Okay Rach, okay." I roll my eyes, in a joking way. "Okay, we are almost here. Be chill." Rachael let's out a squeal the second she sees their house. "Ohhhhmyyygoshhhhh we're hereeeeeee!" She yells this so loudly, I wouldn't be surprised if they heard from inside.

She abruptly stops walking. "Emily. They're going to think I'm gross, and ugly. I can't do this!!" For the first time all day, she looks more nervous than excited. She almost looks like she might cry. I try to calm her down by telling her to relax, and by gently patting her back. "Emily, why would they be interested in me. I'm not pretty like all the other girls they're probably into. My acne is awful too. I'm not skinny like them, Emily they're going to hate you for even bringing me. Maybe I just shouldn't even come." She begins to hyperventilate, and turns around. "Rachael." I say. "You need to shut up. Okay? They aren't shallow like that. If they were, I wouldn't be friends with them. Anyway Rach, I'm telling you. You're actually so pretty, you fully just don't see it. Anyway, what is there to lose? If you don't like them.. which I'm sure you will.. text me and I'll take you home." Rachael nods, and puts on a brave face. "Okay." She says, as we continue walking.

I knock on the giant wooden doors with the big brass knocker, and within seconds, I'm being engulfed in a bear bug by both Corbyn and Daniel. "Help. Can't breathe!" I choke out, and they let go. We all start to laugh. "This is my best friend Rachael!" I introduce them, and almost instantly Daniel speaks. "Man, Jonah is going to regret the fact that he isn't here right now." Rachael tilts her head, looking slightly confused. "Jonah is their best friend, and roommate." I say, and Rachael nods, beginning to understand. "Why though?" She asks, still confused. "Well, he has this thing for girls who are almost as tall as him. He's 6'2. He will probably be home later." Rachael blushes, and we can all tell. "Oh, okay" she says, as Corbyn leads us all to the basement, where they seem to spend all of their free time.

After hours of hanging out, watching movies, and eating the large pizza we ordered, Rachael asks if she can talk to me alone. We both excuse ourselves. As we walk up the stairs to get to the main floor, we hear a giant eruption of laughter coming from the boys. I giggle at how funny they are. Once we get to the kitchen, I grab a glass of water, and give Rachael one too. She begins to speak. "You're right Emily. This is so weird to say, but they're just so funny and immature, I can't see them as anything more than a friend. I don't want to say this wrong, I mean they are so attractive. They're literally drop dead georgous, but I feel only friendly feelings after getting to know them!" I laugh, knowing exactly what she means. "Let's get back down there before they start to wonder where we are."

We are half way through watching Zombieland when I hear the door upstairs open. "I thought you said nobody would be here today?" I said, secretly hoping Jack had gotten home early. "I mean, nobody is supposed to be here." Daniel says. "Yo whose up there?" Corbyn calls. "It's just me" Jonah calls from upstairs. "Meeting ended early. What are you guys up to?" He says, as he comes down the stairs. He stops for a second when he notices Rachael and I. "Oh hey Emily." He smiles warmly, "Hey Jonah. This is my best friend, Rachael." He continues walking down the stairs, and greets Rachael. She stands up from her seat in front of the T.V. to say hi to him, I notice that they're almost the same height. Jonah is only an inch or two taller than her. "Ooooh! Tension!" Daniel calls out. I smack him on the side of the head. "Owwwchhh" he says, rubbing his head. We all laugh. "So, what are we watching?" Jonah says, sitting on the end of the couch, next to Rachael. "Zombieland." Rachael says, smiling. "You guys watched Zombieland without me??" Jonah says, looking at them. "Don't blame us. It was Emily's idea." Corbyn says. "Oops. My bad" I laugh. We all quiet down and press play, continuing to watch the movie.

Jack's POV

I'm sitting on the couch, talking to my mom, where we have been catching up on all of the drama in both of our lives. Zach is playing barbies with my youngest sister, Isla and she looks extremely happy, she loves it when Zach comes over. "Am I your boyfriend, Isla?" Zach asks, teasing her. "Ah! No boyfriends!" I pretend to scold, but Isla knows I'm only joking. "No Zach, you aren't my boyfriend." Isla giggles, and gently hits Zach. Zach bursts out laughing. I'm glad he came with me. Isla absolutely loves him. "Good." I say to Isla. "As long as I'm the most important boy in your life" I say, picking her up in my arms and covering her head in kisses. "Ewww Jack stoppppp" she says. I put her down and check my phone, to see that I have a text from Corbyn.

Corbyn: Dude, Emily came over with her friend Rachael and she and Jonah are totally hitting it off. It's insane.
Me: HA really? Jonah hasn't liked a girl in ages
Corbyn: Yeah, It's insane. She's like 6'0 the second he saw her he was whipped.
Me: That's crazy. I gotta see this
Corbyn: Are you coming home soon? I think Emily wants to see you.

I smile at this message

Me: I'll be home soon. We are about to leave. Isla is literally in love with Zach.
Corbyn: Zach is a charming boy isn't he!<3

I put my belongings in the car, and say my last goodbyes to the family until I see them next.

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