Rise and Shine

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I wake up, checking my phone again. This time it's 8:30 AM. It's earlier than I normally would like to be awake, but I know I won't fall asleep again. I quickly take off Jack's shirt, and change back into my own, before  opening the door, and heading down to the kitchen. As I make my way down the stairs, I can see Jack to my right. He is spread across the living room sofa. He looks adorable, his left arm and leg are hanging off the couch, and a blanket is laying over half of his body. He is clearly sound asleep. I look over to my left, and see Corbyn pouring some cereal into a bowl for himself. His expression brightens when he sees me. "Early riser?" I say, smiling
"Sometimes." He says. "How did you sleep?" He asks, leaning his forearms on the island counter.
"Not bad actually." I smile, and steal a cheerio from his bowl of cereal. "Wow. You steal hearts and food. Some girl you are." He laughs to himself.
"Hah." I say. "I've never stolen a heart in my life, I can tell you that." I say.

"Well, I can tell you that I think you've definitely stolen the heart of at least one person. He happens to be just in the other room." Corbyn makes a clicking sound with his teeth, and points at Jack. A big smile appears on my face, and I can't help the blush from creeping up my cheeks. Corbyn smiles at this. "You like him too, don't you!" He whispers excitedly, making sure not to wake Jack. I hide my face in my hsnds. "Maybe.." I say, still hiding my face.

Corbyn grabs me a bowl of cereal, and we talk for around an hour before Daniel, and Jonah wake up and come downstairs. After another hour, Zach comes downstairs. We all talk, and have a good time, but I'm secretly just waiting, and hoping Jack will wake up soon. "Emily, will you wake Jack up?" Daniel asks. "Uh, and why me?" I ask, half jokingly, half defensively. Corbyn and Daniel look at each other and laugh. It starts as small giggles, but soon they've erupted into a full fit of laughter. Zach stares at them, looking confused. After all the loud laughter, Jack makes a groaning noise from the other room. We all look over and see him rolling off the couch. "Morning boo" Zach says, patting Jack on the back. "Morning baby" Jack jokes back, rustling Zach's hair. He looks happier than I've ever seen him. I remember Jonah telling me how funny, and kind Jack normally is, and now I'm starting to understand what he meant. I wonder why he's suddenly so happy.

Jack waddles over to the kitchen, and grabs the mug he let me use last night. He dumps the remaining water from last night out, and refills it under the tap. I wonder if he even remembers that I used it last night. I'm sure he must. Jack smiles shyly at me, and days good morning. I say it back. Daniel, and Corbyn look at each other, and start to laugh again. "Oh, Corbyn. What was that thing we had to do.. that thing in the other room?" Daniel said, still laughing. "Oh right, right! That thing! In the other room! Let's go do it." They're both laughing extremely hard now. Jack sends a goofy smile their way, and starts laughing too. It's clear that they were trying to get us alone. Once they're far  enough away that they can't hear our conversation, Jack begins to speak.
"You fell asleep right away last night"
"Yeah. I wanted to stay up so we could talk a bit, but I was just dead."
"It's okay. There's always other nights."
"I hope so."
"I do too."
We both smile. My smile is more shy, and Jack's is big, and happy.

"Want to stay over and watch our music video shoot for today?" Jack asks "We are going to start filming around 4" he says
"I would.. but I feel like I've intruded on you guys enough for one weekend." I say
"I wouldn't call it intruding, since we all really like you." I smile, and look at the ground.
"I really would stay, but I need to get some homework done. It's almost final exam time. I just got to get thst last push before exams." I almost instantly regret telling Jack that I was choosing school work over him. Instead of looking angry, Jack's eyes widen, and a new smile appears on his lips.
"That's really awesome Emily. Honestly. It's refreshing to see someone who works hard in school."
I smile with relief, knowing Jack isn't mad at me. "Yeah, I want to get into a good college, so I can do what I love, and really support myself." I look up at Jack, whose looking down at me.
"Yeah. You wouldn't want to be a trust fund baby. It's way better to be independent."
"Exactly." I say.

After spending a few more hours with all the boys, they begin to start getting ready for their music video shoot. I quickly say my goodbyes, and thank them all for having me. I give Corbyn and extra long hug. He hugs me back, holding me tight. It's not a flirtatious hug though,it's the kind of hug you give to a long lost friend. I already know that Corbyn and I are going to be great friends. As I say goodbye to everyone, Jack pulls me aside.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could walk you home. We still have a few minutes before the video shoot, and I would really like to." I think about his offer for a second. "I would love that." I say, holding back my excitement. I say goodbye to everyone one last time, grab my stuff, and walk out the door, with Jack following close behind me.

We walk together for about 20 minutes, until we reach my house. The walk was so fun. Jack and I shared so many laughs, and we realized how much we really have in common. I feel myself falling for him. As we get to the door of my house, we say our goodbyes. There is an awkward second where we both feel like we should go for a hug, but neither of us does. We say goodbye again, and Jack begins to walk back to his house. I watch as he walks down my driveway, and then I go inside.

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