morning, sunshine

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When I wake up the next morning, Jack is sound asleep. The clock on his bedside table is reading 9:02 AM. While normally, I would just get out of bed and go about my day, for now, I couldn't be happier than to cuddle up into Jack's arms and fall right back asleep. Around an hour and a half later, I'm awake again. This time, when I open my eyes, Jack's eyes slowly flutter open too. "Morning sunshine" he says, while proceeding to groan, and stretch his arms. "Morning Jack" I respond, nestling my head against his shirtless chest. "Are you going to stay the day?" He asks me. "Well, you know I would love to, but it's almost summer, and I really need to pick up my grades before exams, so I really gotta go home and study." Jack pouts, sticking his upper lip out. "Awww. Next time?" I smile back cheerfully. "Next time. Promise." Jack and I push off the covers, and I begin to change out of the clothes Jack gave me. "No" he says. "Keep them. They look good on you." He says, walking over to me. He quickly squeezes my hands in a comforting way, and I grab my clothes. "Hmm." I say. "Okay, I'll keep them. But I'm definitely not walking home in them." I laugh, walking towards the bathroom so I can change without him seeing. I'm secretly extremely excited that Jack gave me his clothes to keep. They smell like him, which is really nice. For the first time since last night, it sinks in that Jack asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm Jack's girlfriend. I smile at the thought alone, and quickly get changed.

"Are you sure you girls don't want a ride home?" Jack says, while leaning on the front door frame. "Nah, I think I need the exercise after all that pizza I had last night, Emily could use the walk too." Rachael says, jokingly patting my head. "Ah well, that's okay then." I give Rachael a look and she almost instantly understands "I'll start walking. Good luck catching up with me." She sticks her tongue out and begins to walk down the front path. I notice she pauses and waves at a window in the house. My guess is that Jonah is probably in there. "I wish I didn't have to go" I say quietly, wrapping my arms around Jack's waist. "Trust me, I wish you didn't have to go either. But I'll see you at school tomorrow, so that's at least something." He smiles and kisses me on the top of the head. "Right." I say. "Text me tonight, okay? I'll be studying but I'd love to take little texting breaks." Jack smiles. "Any time. Maybe we could even Skype." I giggle "Woah, Skype? Don't you think we're moving a little fast?" I joke. "Nah. I like it." He says, pulling me closer. I turn my head around to see that Rachael is waiting on the street. "I better go now. Bye Jack.." I take in his curls for the last time today, and he places a quick kiss on my forehead. "Bye Em." He says.

As I jog to catch up with Rachael, I shout out to her, and she stops walking.
"RACHAEL. You better tell me everything!! Are you and JONAH a thing now?" I half shout, while basically pouncing on her.
"Oh my God, calm down, calm down. I fell asleep in his bed and he didn't know if I was okay with him sleeping in the same bed as me, so he slept on the floor." She says, chuckling. "The man is dumb. I would have been 10x happier to wake up next to him. It's the thought that counts though. I guess." She says, trying to hide her happiness. I look at the beautiful morning sunshine, and my best friend's smiling face. Today is one of those days when I'm just glad to be alive. "Awwww. A true gentleman!" I say. Rachael jokingly punches my arm with a bit too much force.

"So, what about YOU??" She continues to talk "Don't get me wrong, I know Jack is your man, and I like Jonah, but Jack is SO hot. Like.. so hot. If you guys become a couple, the girls that used to be jerks to us are literally going to bow down to you."

"Well, then, they better get ready.. because Jack asked me to be his girlfriend last night"

Rachael screams. She literally screams. Her scream is so loud that half of the neighbourhood probably heard it, and think that she's being attacked. I can't help but laugh at her reaction. She's so different than me in some ways, yet in other ways, we might as well be the same person. "I'm so happy for you Em! I really am." We both stop walking and share a hug, before continuing on our way home.

Jack's POV

I pour myself some cereal without any milk, and go to sit down on the couch. Lazily, I grab the TV remote and turn on Netflix. As I'm trying to decide what to watch, I feel somebody sit down beside me. I glance up to see that Zach and Jonah had sat down beside me. Before I can even react, Jonah is taking my bowl of cereal, and Zach has me in a headlock. "Broo! You gotta tell us what happened!! I gotta know man!!" Zach is saying, still keeping me in a headlock. "Maybe if you'd let me go I'd tell you!" I say, barely being able to breathe, both from the headlock, and laughing so hard. Zach let's me go, and both the boys are staring at me wide eyed, waiting for me to tell them about what happened last night. "Okay okay. So.. I asked her to be my girlfriend." I pause for a second. Various shouts come from the boys "WHAT DID SHE SAY?" Zach yelled "Oohh Jack!" Jonah teases. "She said yes" I say proudly. Both of the boys hug me, and pat me on the back. "Damn man, good on you" Jonah said. For once, the girl I like actually likes me back. I don't know what else to say other than that it feels so incredibly amazing. I know that I may not be as good looking as the other guys, and I'm not normally the type that girls go for.. but this time, this time I feel on top of the world.

~~Authors note~~
Sorry this wasn't the best chapter! I've been so busy but I really wanted to update for whoever is reading this<3 promise I'll update more often after my exams are done! As always, leave a comment or vote if you're enjoying this story! Also feel free to hmu, I love making friends:)

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