Hello Sunshine

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The next morning when I wake up, I check my phone and see a dozen texts from Jack. I'm not ready to talk to him though. I close the notifications, throw my phone on my bed and walk downstairs to find my parents chatting with Katherine. When I look to the right, Abbey is sitting on the carpet playing with some of my old stuffed animals. I can help but smile, as I wave at her. She quickly stands up, leaving the toys behind and gives me a big hug. "Emily! I'm in your house" she says in her adorable little voice. "Yeah! You are!" I reply cheerfully.

"Hey sweetie" my mom and dad both chime. "Hey, Emily. How are you feeling?" Katherine asks, putting down her mug of coffee.


After chatting for awhile, and saying many goodbyes, and thank yous, Katherine and Abbey get in their car and drive home. My parents sit me down at the dining room table. "Emily, you know, Katherine is such a lovely woman." My mom says while sipping her tea. I smile, knowing it's true. My dad furrows his eyebrows. "Did you know that she is a single mom and works 3 jobs just to keep Abbey safe, and in a semi decent apartment?" My dad asks. "Oh my God, I had no idea." I say, honestly shocked. "So, I offered her a job. Down by us. She said that once she can afford to move into a cheap apartment in the area she would love to come work for me. So, now she won't need to keep up 3 jobs. And that daughter of hers is just the cutest." My dad says, sounding proud of himself. "Wow dad! That's really kind of you!" I say, smiling.

"Mhm. But, the real question.. is what happened sweetie? Jack was such a lovely boy. What.. happened?" I quickly change the subject, telling my mom I don't want to talk about it just yet. She understands.

I spend the rest of the day with my parents, since recently I haven't really been doing that. We go out for lunch and dinner, and catch a midnight movie. By the time the day is over, I'm so absolutely tired that I go straight to bed. As I stumble up to my bed, I go to check my phone. Along with the original messages Jack sent, I've received at least 20 more. Plus a few from other people. I once again ignore Jack's messages and go right to responding to Corbyn, Rachael and Daniel.

Corbyn: Hey Em. How are you holding up? Please reply. I miss you. We miss you. It's not the same without you here.

Me: I've been trying to distract myself.. but it hurts.. it hurts a lot. I never though that he would do something like that.

I open my next chat which is from Daniel. Daniel is such a sweetheart.

Daniel: I know that of all the guys, I'm not one that you spent the most time with.. but now that you're gone I regret it so much. You really brighten everyone day, and I wish I could be that friend that brightens yours. Hold it together Emmy, we're here for you.

Me: Oh Daniel.. thank you so much. We must hang out after your tour ends. Rock on buddy <3

Finally, I open my message from Rachael.

Rachael: I can't do this without you. It doesn't feel right at all. A few minutes after you left and I found out what happened I kissed Jonah goodbye, grabbed my bags, and got a cab home. You're probably asleep right now since I'm sending this now that I just got home.. but I'm coming over tomorrow morning, whether you like it or not.

Me: Rachael!! You didnt have to do that!! Really!! But.. I kinda love you for it... I'll see you tomorrow <3<3

Finally.. I decide to read Jack's messages.

Jack: I'm so sorry Emily
Jack: I messed up. I will never do it again. I swear to you Emily
Jack: I can't believe I'm such a screw up.
Jack: All I've ever wanted to do is protect you. But I'm the one who hurt you.
Jack: I'm such a waste of space. I can't believe I messed up the best thing that's ever happened to me..
Jack: Emily...
Jack: Emily please.
Jack: Please take me back Emily
Jack: I can't do this without you
Jack: please..
Jack: Emily, since the very first day I met you, I knew we were meant to be. You made me the best verison of myself. I know this wont help anything, but it meant absolutely nothing to me. She was just some fan who convinced me to kiss her so she could take a selfie.. but then she didn't even take a selfie.. and I don't know what happend. I'm so sorry Emily.. please.
Jack: I need you....

Me: save your breath for your shows, Jack. im not interested in your apologies.

Almost instantly he replies

Jack: its 4 am and i have a show tomorrow. I can't sleep because you're all that's on my mind. You're all that's ever on my mind.. but now that you aren't here, I don't know how to cope.. please baby.. give me another chance.
Jack: I'm so sorry Em..

I turn off my phone and put it beside my bed, ignoring the messages from Jack. I knew very well that I wouldn't fall asleep that night, but nonetheless, I laid down with my face in my pillow for hours upon hours.

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