Friendship and Fights

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"GUYS!" Zach yells from the basement. It's the first saturday in July, after exams, and the first time I've seen the boys in awhile (aside from Jack who I see almost every day, and Corbyn who I went to the mall with a few days ago.) "Get down here!" Zach yells. Me, Jack, Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, and Rachael all get up from the couch and go to see why Zach is yelling. "Guys, our music video just reached 100,000 views!" The boys all pause for a second to take in what Zach just told them. "Oh my God." Daniel says, with his mouth hanging open. "Look at these comments!" Jonah says, pointing at the screen.

"Zach is sooo hot"
"OMG. Can Corbyn please date me?"
"omg... Jack's hair.. I'm in love"
"Jonah and Daniel are actually the most attractive people I've ever seen"
"Corbyn is literally so hot.... OMG"
"Okay. I'm SHOOK. This Daniel guy is a CUTIE."
"can i be mrs zach Herron omg!"

"Wow. Those sure are some comments." I say, particularly looking at all the comments about Jack. I can tell that Rachael is doing the same with Jonah's comments. We both give each other a side glance, knowing we are thinking the same thing.

"Jonah is so tall, imagine him hugging you!!"
"Idk what it is but Jack is literally the most attractive guy I've ever seen"
"Is Jonah single??"
"Jack, follow me on Instagram! And maybe dm me?!"

"You guys have fans! This is insane. It feels weird.. but I'm so proud!!" Rachael hugs Jonah, and I smile at all of the guys.

"Congrats baby" I say, using a name that I rarely call Jack by. "Thanks Em! Your support means everything to me. I mean.. you are the inspiration for half the songs on our upcoming EP after all. I wrote them all about you Em, all for you Em." He says, as he pulls me close, and rests his chin on the top of my head. A rose coloured blush creeps up my cheeks. Jack and I have been dating for awhile now, yet somehow, he makes me feel as if every day is something fresh. Our relationship never gets old.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Rachael says, clinging onto Jonah's bicep. "How about the 4 of us go on a double date to the carnival down by the water?" Jack and I both look at each other instantly, remembering the first time we went there together. "WOW. Thanks for the invite." Zach says, as he shuts the door to the fridge. "Get a girlfriend if you want to be invited!" Rachael argues. Corbyn stands up, clearly frustrated, even though Rachael wasn't even talking to him. "It's not that easy, Rachael." Corbyn says, and begins to leave the room. Rachael clearly is not happy with his response. "You're an attractive guy and you're on the rise to fame, how hard can it be? I'm sure any girl would fling themselves at you." Rachael says, putting her hands on her hips. "It's not about getting just any girl." He says, clearly annoyed. "Why date if you know she isn't the one?" Corbyn says quietly, and then leaves the room. He seems very sad for some reason. I've never seen him like this. "You should talk to him. He seems so sad." I whisper to Jack, and he agrees. He quickly kisses my cheek and follows Corbyn into the other room.

Jack's POV

"Hey man, are you okay?" I ask, as I sit next to Corbyn on a small little office chair. "Yeah. I'm fine. It's just.." Corbyn cuts himself off, as if he can't think of what to say.

"You can tell me, Corbyn." I say, reaching over to him, and squeezing his shoulder in a friendly way. "Okay." he says. "But you can't tell anyone. Not anyone." I nod my head and agree. Corbyn takes a quick shallow breath.

"I can't stand Rachael. I know she's Emily's best friend, and now she's dating Jonah which makes things even worse... but I actually can't deal with her, and she's always in our house!" It takes a second to take this all in. "Does it upset you how much time Emily spends over?" I ask, really hoping that Emily doesn't bother him too. Corbyn waves his hands around as if to tell me that he definitely doesn't have a problem with Emily. "No, no, no. Man, she's like.. one of the guys. She's one of us now. She is so quiet sometimes but she still participates in stuff. It's great.. but anything Rachael does.. I just... Geez.. I can't stand it! And I can't tell Jonah or Emily because they would flip. I mean Rachael is Emily's best friend, and Jonah's girlfriend! She's just so loud and opinionated and annoying." Corbyn finishes his rant, and I don't know what to say. There's nothing I can do to help his situation, as far as I know. I can't get rid of Rachael. "Okay.. I'll do my best to keep her quiet, or at least as far away from you as possible. Is that okay?" Corbyn nods, and I slap him on the back, in a friendly way. "Perk up bud, it'll be alright." I stand up and walk back toward everyone else.

Corbyn's POV

What I told Jack about Rachael is kind of true. I'm not exactly her biggest fan right now, and she really does get on my nerves sometimes.. but I can put up with her. I only wish I could tell Jack why I really feel so sad all the time. He's the last person I would ever tell though. I just... I just don't know what to do.

Emily's POV

"Okay! Let's go!" I shout, shoving my wallet in my purse. Jack takes my hand and we go out to the car, Jonah and Rachael follow behind us. I haven't been back to the carnival since my first real date with Jack, and I'm beyond excited. I vaguely wonder if he's going to take us to his special spot on the secret beach.

After only a couple minutes of driving, Jack pulls into a crowded parking lot, filled with hundreds of cars; not his secret beach parking. "Woah, what should we do first?" Jonah asks, snaking his arm around Rachael's waist. "Anything that spins!" Rachael adds excitedly. "Preferably something that spins quickly." She adds in a a second thought. "Perfect." Jonah says, and they begin walking toward the cyclone ride.

"Uh.. I cant't do spinning rides. They make me get super dizzy.. I'll probably be sick if I go on one." I say shyly, not wanting to ruin everyone else's fun. "Sucks for you then! You can choose the next ride!" Rachael says as she gives the ticket collecter 4 tickets, which we purchased at the gate. Jonah follows behind her and gives the collector 4 tickets. "You coming Jack?" Rachael asks as she straps herself into the ride. He shakes his head and stays behind, sitting beside me at a picnic table. "Hmm.. well that wasn't too nice of her." Jack says, putting an arm around me. I nod my head. "She's never like this. Also, she knows that I dont like spinning rides.. like.. she knows that. Why would the first thing she want be to go on one?" Jack shakes his head again. "Well, I don't know.. but, let's not let it bother us. Okay Em? This is the place that we made so many memories together. Let's just forget them and make some more." I smile at his carefully chosen words. And nod my head. Wordlessly, Jack gets up and offers me his hand. I take it and use his arm to help me get up.

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