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It's the last show of the tour, and school starts in a few days. I can't say I'm excited for school, but I'm excited to see my family again. I'm even excited to go see little Abbey. I've missed her a lot. She texts me almost every day to say hi, and ask me how I'm doing. I always reply, and send her a picture of one of the boys waving to her aswell. It makes her so happy. Rachael's yelling snaps me out of my thoughts. "Emily, we've got to go!! The opening act comes on in 15 minutes and we are at least a 20 minute walk from the venue!" I realize that she's right, and I take the last sip of my lemonade before tossing the empty cup in the garbage. "Okay then lets run" I say.
"There is literally no way that I will ever run in shoes as expensive as these." She says, looking at me as if I should have already known that. I nod at her and we speed walk toward the venue.

As we reach the backstage area of the venue, I'm shocked to see that it looks as if everyone is in a panic. I see all the venues staff crowded around the boys' opening act. "What's happening?" I say, as Jack runs up to me, and pulls me into a tight hug. "Our opening act has the flu and really bad laryngitis. He can't go on stage. We don't know what to do! The crowd is expecting an opening act" Jack says in a panic. Suddenly, everyone is shouting.

"We need to find someone to go on! The boys aren't ready, and the crowd will get bored!"

"The show was already supposed to have started!!"

"This is so bad"

"What can we do??"

"We are so screwed"

"We're getting behind schedule!"

Suddenly, Rachael yells, causing everyone to stop their commotion.

"HEY" she says, silencing eveyone

"I play guitar pretty well, and Emily is an amazing singer. We used to play together all the time before we met the guys."

I instantly glare at Rachael. Did she REALLY have to say that?

"You sing? You never told me that" Jack says with a smile. I can tell by the glimmer in his eye that he's excited.

"Well.. I don't really.. or.. not in public at least.. which is why I can't do this." I say in a panic, making sure everyone knows that I will NOT be going on stage tonight.

One of the tour managers speaks up.

"Hey, Emily. Listen. If you really don't think you can do this.. you don't have to.. but if you could, it would seriously save the night."

My eyes begin to well up with tears, at the thought of singing in front of that many people. "But we don't have anything to sing.." I say, trailing off. Trying to make sure the tears don't fall.

"Sure we do! We can do covers! The songs we used to do together!"

The tour manager nods, and 4 men dash onstage to do a microphone check, and set up a guitar for Rachael; but before I know it, I've broken down into tears. I hold onto Jack tightly. "Jack.. I'm scared.. there's SO many people there" I say through my tears, sniffling a bit.

"Em" Jack whispers into my ear. "There is nothing for you to worry about. I'll be back here cheering you on Em, I will. And if you get too nervous, I'll run and sing alongside you. Now, wipe those tears away and go decide what songs to sing!" Jack says, giving me a quick kiss. I hide my face in his shirt before deciding what songs to sing with Rachael.

"Okay girls, the guitar and the mics are all set up. Get out there!" The stage manager says, excitedly. "And thank you so much for doing this. I know you're nervous.. but you will do amazingly well." She says, as she pats me on the back.

Why Don't We? // Jack Avery fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now