playing pretend

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The next morning, I wake up with an intense pain in the back of my neck. Groggily, I rub it realizing I must have eventually fallen asleep. I pick up my phone to see a message from Jack, and two from Corbyn.

"Hey baby. I bet you're asleep right now and didn't get my messages. I hope you're dreaming of me, because I know I always dream of you. Xoxox" I smile at the kind message, almost forgetting about all of the hate comments. I quickly send a reply, and send a goodmorning message filled with hearts and smiling emojis. I still have two texts though, both of which are from Corbyn.

"Omg. Emily. I'm so sorry I didn't reply to your texts. I fell asleep at like.. 9 yesterday."
"I hope you're okay. If you still want to talk, I'm here."

I hate lying. I always have. I guess it's better to say that I'm pretending. So, we'll go with that. I pretend I'm okay, and text Corbyn that everything is alright now. He responds quickly.

"Good! Now get over here, we have some amazing news!!"

"Okayy.." I reply, wondering what the news could be.

Quickly, I shower, and throw on some basic makeup, tying my hair up into a messy bun. I put on a pair of running shorts, and a slightly cropped top. Normally, I wouldn't dress like this, but today, I felt like I needed a confidence boost. "Mom, dad, I'm leaving!" I shout, as I quickly run down the stairs. "Hey, hey, hey, not so fast kiddo," my dad says, lowering his glasses. "When are you going to dedicate some time to your dad? I'm a cool dude." He says, sticking his tongue out. "I know dad, I've been out a lot, but I promise, tomorrow is completely dedicated to you and mom. Compeltley." My dad smiles and laughs. "Mmmhmm. It better be." He says jokingly. "There's a bagel on the counter. It's yours if you want it, kiddo." I smile at my dad, and grab the bagel. "Thank you! I'll see you tonight! Mwah!" I say, making a fake kissing noise. My dad makes the same noise back, and locks the door behind me.

The heat today is practically unbearable. As I finally reach the boys' place, my face is dripping with sweat. I knock weakly, my knees feeling wobbly. Thankfully Jack opens the door for me. "Em! Are you okay? You look sunburned and tired!" I nod, hobbling over to the couch. "Water please" I croak, as I stretch myself out onto the couch. "Here Em, drink up." He says, slowly rubbing circles into my back. "The A/C will cool you down and you'll feel all better." He whispers in my ear.
"I heard there's a surprise for you guys to tell me" I say quietly, sipping on my water. "Mmhmm" Jack nods proudly. "We're going on tour, Em!"

"WHAT!" I shout, spilling some water over the edge of the cup onto myself. "TOUR?? That's incredible!! Jack, I'm so proud of you!" I say, putting the water on the ground, and pulling him in for a hug. "Em, you know we wouldn't be going on this tour if it wasn't for you. You inspired me in every way possible to write the music I write. You know why? Because it's all about you. Each song that I write. It's about how every day, I fall deeper and deeper in love. So Em, that leads me to a big question.." Jack pauses as if he is waiting for me to ask him what the question is. "What's the question Jack?" I ask, my eyes wide. "Will you come on tour with us' Em?" Jack asks, as he looks deep into my eyes. My mind is suddenly in a panic. I would love to go on tour with the boys, but that would be such a long time to be away from home.. and what if they get tired of me.. even though I know that there are 100s of things that could possibly go wrong, I know in the end, everything will work out. "Yes!" I say. "Yes, I would love to!!" Jack scoops me up is his arms. "Great! Because all the other guys want you to come as well." I smile, and kiss Jack's nose, while running my hand through his hair. "So, how is this going to work though?I ask quizzically. "We will have 3 tour buses. Each have 8 beds, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and a livingroom area with 2 couches. You will sleep on the bus with the guys and I. The other 2 busses will have our tour managers, our stylists, our DJ, and a bunch of other helpful people. Oh, and Zach's mom." Jack puts me down, on the couch and puts his face against mine. Our noses gently touching. "Em. 2 months. Touring all across the U.S, and Canada. Playing music that I wrote about my girlfriend. With my girlfriend. Without our parents. This is going to be the best 2 months of our lives, Em. I can't wait to spend them with you." Hearing Jack's words make me realize how lucky I am to have him. I gently pull him toward me and kiss his cheek. "I love you Emily." He says, looking directly into my eyes. "I love you too Jack. So much." Jack brings his lips towards mine and leaves me with the lingering feeling of his kiss.

Why Don't We? // Jack Avery fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now