Going Home

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As I'm throwing all my clothes in my bag, getting ready to go home, I can't help but notice how much I will miss being on this smelly tour bus with my favourite people. Jack; the guy I love. Corbyn, and Rachael, my best friends. Daniel, the funniest guy I've ever met. Zach, the silly, sarcastic one, and Jonah, the kind-hearted big brother/ Rachael's boyfriend. It's almost impossible to believe that my best friends are world famous. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Jack, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "You ready to go home, Em?" He whispers in my ear, which sends chills down my spine. "No." I jokingly respond, turning around and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Me either." He says honestly, sitting on the side of my bunk beside me. I zip up my bag, and lean on his shoulder. "Yeah, I know." I say, tucking some of Jack's curls behind his ear. "It's just been such a crazy summer. Things have changed so quickly in my life.. you know? I was single, alone, strumming my guitar in my bedroom, and now I have the most beautiful girl in the world by my side, and thousands of fans cheering me on. It's just so strange." He says, letting his head rest on top of mine. I nod. I can kind of understand how he feels, since I went from being an absolute nobody to being Jack Avery's girlfriend; but I know it's not the same thing. "I'm going to miss you guys this year, Jack. I can't believe you've graduated.. and I still have a year left in that hellhole." I say, lowering my voice. "Hey, you're smart, Em. You're going to make it through this year easily. I'll drop you off every day, and if you ever want to, just call me and I'll be there. We could  get lunch or something." He says, rubbing circles around my palms. "Either way, it'll be okay Em. I'll always be there for you." Before I know it, Jack is leaning in, and our lips collide; they move in synch as he pulls me closer. And closer. The kiss is cut short by the someone entering the tour bus. Corbyn. God. Of all people. We quickly pull apart, and I wipe my lips with the side of my arm. It always feels weird being touchy with Jack knowing Corbyn's feelings for me. I feel my face flush, and I can see his does as well. "Sorry for interrupting... just we gotta get off the bus now.." Corbyn mutters. "Oh. Yeah. Of course." I say with a delicate smile. Corbyn smiles back. I get up and gently punch his arm to ease the mood. He laughs, and walks off the tour bus; Jack and I follow, with our bags in hand.

"I have a proposal!" Zach calls out, as we all stand on the front lawn of the boys' house. "Since Emily and Rachael have to go back to school in 2 days, I propose that tonight is movie night. We can all order pizza, and buy a big tub of ice cream, and just chill. How's that sound?" Zach asks, excitedly; clearly thinking his idea is genius. "Sounds good to me!" Daniel chimes in. I excitedly nod my head. "Yes puh-lease!" I say. Rachael also expresses her excitement. "Speaking of school, do you even go to school?" I ask Zach, partially teasing, partially curious. "Psh. Yes." He scoffs. "I do online school." We all laugh.


A couple hours, and 2 large pizzas later, we are all hanging out in the boy's basement watching funny movies. Daniel makes comments every 10 or so minutes, and everyone groans each time he begins to talk. "I don't get it. Since when did she become so popular?" Daniel asks with his mouth full, pointing his pizza slice at the T.V. "Dude! That's the whole plot. Have you not been paying attention at all?" Jonah asks, jokingly hitting Daniel with a pillow. "Geez I'm sorry." Daniel says, and puts his hands up in defense.

I could stay like this forever. Nothing makes me happier than this. Spending the night, watching funny movies with my best friends. Cuddled up in Jack's arms, seeing Rachael and Jonah feeling so in love, seeing Daniel, and Zach's friendship, and Corbyn; Corbyn, whose smile could light up anybody's night. I just never want to leave this.. but unfortunately, I have to.

I slowly stand up. "Okay guys. I have to go." I say sadly. "I need to see my parents, and start getting ready for school." Everyone boos at me, and tells me to stay. "Stay the night Em!" Jack pouts. "I caaaan't." I say, getting up. Rachael gets up after me, and agrees that she should be getting home too. We both share our goodbyes with the group, and give a kiss to our boyfriends. "Text me when you get home" Jack says, squeezing my waist. I giggle and agree, giving him a quick kiss goodbye.

~~later that night~~

Once I'm finally home, I lay down in my bed, and pull out my phone. I have 2 missed texts. One from Corbyn, and one from Jack. Instinctively, I open Jack's first.

Jack: Hey Em. Tonight was so nice. Things won't be the same living without you. I already miss you sm. Text me when you get home.

I quickly text back.

Me: Hey :-)) I'm home

I then go to open Corbyn's text.

Corbyn: I'm really glad you came on tour with us :))

Me: I am too!! I can't believe I sang in front of all those people!!

To my surprise, Corbyn responds right away.

Corbyn: Me either!! But you sounded so good!! It was honestly amazing.

Me: aw hehe thank you!!
Me: stage fright tho. idk how you guys deal with it tbh

Corbyn: you just have to think of the things that make you happy. That's all

Me: what do you think of?

Corbyn: my mom, my dog, my family, my friends, food.. lol lots of stuff

Me: Haha!! I wonder what I would think of

Corbyn: jack

Me: yeah, probably!!!!

Corbyn: yeah. I gotta sleep tho. gn!

Me: night bean!

Corbyn: woah woah wtf when did you start calling me that??

Me: right now

Me: I kinda like it

Corbyn: BUT I kinda don't

Corbyn: jk it's funny. I approve. gngn

Me: night!!

I lay on my bed, and wait for Jack to reply to my message. When he finally does, I check my phone instantly.

Jack: Sorry, I was in the shower!

Me: awww cutie. Send shower pics!

Jack sends me a picture of his shower, and I laugh at his immature sense of humor. Shortly after, he sends me a picture of him shirtless, his curls are soaking wet, and he is making a goofy face. I look at his wer curls and recall our night in the hotel room. I love his curls so much. It's that same curly hair I fell in love with; what feels like so long ago.

We laugh and text until I fall asleep. I love him so much.

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