Roof top baby doll

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Diamond's POV:

Jade had won the game of rock-paper-scissors and took the shower in her room so I was just about to get in the shower a little up the hall. I was tying my hair up and searching for a shower cap when the door open and Jay stepped in with a towel hanging around his waist.My heart jumped so fast it hurt a little.I was surprised and mostly thankful for the fact that I still had my towel on but I didn't scream and my shock quickly turned to anger when that same exact cocky little smirk appeared on his face.

"What the hell are you doing in here" I whisper as angrily as possible,not trying to wake Jason's mom.I have one hand gripping the towel around my body and the other holding onto the bathroom sink for support. You know because I almost had a heart attack!

"As you can see by my lack of cloths I was planning on taking a shower or if you're into that type of thing we could still go on with our schedules" He said looking down at me with a wink.I didn't notice before but I realized that the only thing standing between us is a couple of towels.

"Okay,just get out now" I say with my I'm getting very frustrated voice and point at the door for him to leave.

"Because you asked so" He said shutting the door and leaning up against it.

I glares at him and try to open the door thinking that maybe just fucking maybe he'll let me out but no.I mean why on earth would I think that Jason fucking Willings of all people wouldn't be complicated for just this on time.I draw back my fist with every intention to hit him again but he holds his hands up in defense making me pause.

"Come on now you don't want to fight.We both know who would win and I'm pretty sure you don't want to risk dropping that towel of yours now do you" he said lowering his hands and glancing at my chest. I roll my eyes in defeat and took a step back, adjusting my towel.

"Now that I've got you all to myself let's talk about that attitude that you had tonight" he said crossing his arms like a disappointed father.I start to rethink rather or not I should risk loosing my towel in a fight with him or not and the odds of me winning are looking better and better.

"What attitude tonight?" I say as though I'm completely oblivious to the subject.

"The one where you snapped on my date" he says clarifying.So he really did noticed that.

"She was a shitty excuse for a date anyway," I mutter under my breathe. He heard me anyway and sighed in frustration."What? it's not like she would have left or anything,I could have set her on fire and and girl would have still been riding you harder that a cowgirl" I defend my case. I hear him chuckle and out of experience I can tell first hand that this conversation is not going to end well.

" were jealous" He said taking a step toward me.I take a step back and try not to seem so happy that he brought up jealousy.

"No,I wasn't jealous because I already know your drill, you don't date you just srew and then you scram but since we're on the subject of being jealous how about we talk about you" I smirk.YES! I finally have the upper hand on this one.

"Why? I don't get jealous" He said shrugging his shoulders as if to say that I've hit a dead in.

"Everyone gets jealous" I push. For the sake of me winning this argument or conversation or whatever the hell this is ,I hope that he is capable of feeling jealousy. On the down side he might not be, he just might not be able to feel like that.He can't feel jealousy and I can't feel love.

"Not me, I don't get jealous over thing I already have and if I don't have them then I will or I just don't care about them" He said shrugging his shoulders once again. I almost feel a little hurt by his words..almost.

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