Bullies Chapter 1

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Readers point of view
I was running again, running from the bullies. The one's that continuously tormented me for years on end, tearing me apart emotionally. My legs were growing incredibly weak and upper body was exceedingly heavy, my body giving in and shutting down, collapsing on the dirty ground of the eerie woods. I found myself unable to push myself back up and regain the lost strength in my thin arms, the footsteps hot on my tail. "(Y/n)! You can't run from us forever!" Why did they feel the need to inflict this onto me? I did not have the answer, no matter how much i prayed, it was all useless. So many thoughts were going through my head, the splitting sensation painfully intensifying.

'There going to beat me again' 'How am I going to hide the bruises and scars on my body from my parents?' Like they care. I was dragged out of my thoughts upon feeling a large and heavy pressure on my back, pinning me to the muddied ground. My weak attempts to escape resulted in a miserable failure, the boot of the bully roughly colliding with my ribs. Screaming in agony, the warm liquid brimming my eyes causing my vision to be clouded. A cold hand slipped into view and covered my mouth, halting any screams that threatened to escape. "Poor (Y/n), she's crying. We should comfort her, don't you agree?" Her voice cooing out, the foul stench of her breath hitting my face making me inwardly gag. Harsh punches and kicks were thrown at me from every direction, ceasing my squirming waiting for it to be over, full well knowing that it wouldn't be any time soon.

Ticci Toby's POV
I had just finished my kill and was now heading back to Slender mansion, the sound of multiple laughs and muffled sobs entering my ears. Sneakily I crept up to a tree and climbed it, careful not to break any branches. My eyes widened at the sight before me, my hazel eyes taking in the familiar act of hostility. The (H/c) haired girl pinned down and being mercilessly beaten, the nonchalant look spread across her pale features paining me. (E/c) eyes locking with mine, blankly staring at my hunched over form. I raised my hand to my face, outstretching my gloved finger to rest against my lips, silencing her.

Readers POV
Keeping quiet like he told me to, adverting my gaze. What else did i have to lose, nothing. "Hey are you even listening to me!?" I shivered form (y/b/n)'s harsh tone, readying her fist to strike me. A sharp pain shooting throughout my face as her knuckles collided with the tender skin, the warm liquid dripping from my nose. Crying out in pain, I spat back at (y/b/n) "I hope you all die" immediately regretting my actions upon seeing them seethe with anger, impatiently awaiting the impact of their fists. From the corner of my eye i managed to catch a glimpse of the hatchet flying in my direction, all eyes now on the bloodied weapon that lay emerged within the dirt before me. The atmosphere surrounding me seemed to intensify, a sense of fear engulfing me. "Where did that come from?" Another hatchet followed after the first, this one skillfully bouncing off the other and lodging itself within the tree beside me. "Run and leave her there!" Fear consuming them encouraging them to run and leave me behind, once out of site another presence entered the atmosphere. The boy standing before me staring down with curiosity, his eyes scanning my beaten body through orange goggles 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now