Fear Chapter 31

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Laughing jacks POV
"What was that?" I don't think I heard that right, there is no way. Am I going deaf already!? I was yanked out of my thoughts when her body started violently trembling in my arms, her pale skin growing paler and colder by the second. I loosened my arms around her and she carefully turned to face me, eyes full of worry, doubt and concern.

Readers POV
Is he angry? I'm not sure, he always looks the same. I turned to face him, for some unknown reason, my body kept getting exceedingly hot but my skin felt cold to the touch. My body wouldn't stop trembling as I became a bit dizzy and shook it off, blaming it in my nerves.

"Jack, I said I'm pregn-Ah!" Pain shot throughout my stomach and ribs, spine and heart. Loosing a grip of reality as well as my consciousness as I slipped off the horse of the merry go round, my touch falling from his. Jack's grey eyes widened as he saw my body falling to the ground in slow motion before him, subconsciously yelling my name and pouncing forward. Catching me before my head made contact with the ground and smashed, finding it extremely difficult to stay awake. Between huffs of air I managed to mumble out, praying to the gods he heard me. "Need-J" Huff "Get E.J" His eyebrows furrowing "Okay, Just stay awake, focus on my voice and me" He swept up my weak body in his arms and teleported to the mansion, holding me securely to his chest.

"E.J! Get your ass here now!" Jacks screams got louder as my arms fell to the side and hung loosely, he noticed my eyes started to flutter shut. His heart catching in his throat. "(Y/N)! Stay with me!" I felt like I was dying at how dramatic he was being, but who knows, I was probably dying. I feel like if I sleep, I won't ever wake up again. Peace. For eternity.

Eyeless jacks POV
I could hear my name being shouted over and over, then (y/n). Running as quick as my legs would take me to lj and his booming voice, my empty sockets widened as her limp, lifeless body laying in jacks arms. Everyone started to crowed around to see what the commotion was, mumbling and gasping at the scene playing our before their very eyes. "What happened" i asked as I checked her temperature, then her pulse. Slow, too slow. "I don't know, she said she was pregnant, but half way through she screamed and fell to the floor" "Follow me" He trailed behind me at a quick pace, laying her body on my bed.

Laughing jacks POV
"Jack, I found what's wrong....the baby is growing way too quick for her body to handle, she NEEDS to give birth today, she won't make it another day if she leaves it, it will die and so will she."

I felt a warm liquid traveling down my cheeks and dropping off my chin, my tall body froze while staring at (y/n)'s weak petite form. Afraid to lose her and..my unborn child. I was snapped out of my thoughts as a scream emitted from her, the sound echoing in the room. "(Y/n)! It's okay dear, I'm here now" I was now kneeling beside her, holding onto her hand. Weakly her head turned and looked me in the eyes, her once sparkling (e/c) eyes now dull and full of fear and sadness. The three words escaping past her dry cracked lips in agony. "

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now