Dark Secrets Chapter 27

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"No please" 

"Stay away!"
"Let me go! I haven't done anything wrong! Why are you doing this to me? Why!?"

"Strap her down!" "Don't worry darling, mommy and daddy gave you to us for a little wile so we can...run some testsThe man standing before the little girl hushed out, inching closer and injecting the needle into her eye socket. Screams of pain leaving her pale lips as she thrashed around in the tight restraints, a warm liquid trickling down her white cheek. Not caring enough to clean or change the needle as he bought it up to her other eyes, forcefully stabbing the tip in and injecting something within her. "Gah!" Everyday they would inject strange stuff into her, pushing her little body to the limit. The innocence completlty drained from her body, fighting for survival even if it meant her hands were to become bloodied, killing the other children that were thrown in to battle her. "Stop, please I can't take this anymore" A hushed whisper was all she could muster up, knowing all the workers there were not going to giver her up just yet. Their little experimental lab rat.

Both eyes bleeding as an immense pain radiated from them, barely making out her surroundings past all the blood and tears. Squinting to manage to make out the crazed man flipping a switch, eyes growing wide and screaming in realization that it was the shock chair switch. "No anything but that please!" Setting the shocking on the highest setting, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the torture continued on.

Someone help me please

Readers pov

"Ah!" I shot up from bed with Jacks wide eyes staring at me with shock, arms draped around me. The tears pouring quicker from my eyes, a stinging sensation lingering. "Finally awake, I have been shaking you for the last hour. I'll go get you some water from all that screaming you were doing, just try to get some rest." He gave me a weak smile, wiping away my tears. I nodded my head and lay back down, crying into the pillow to muffle my sobs. Standing to his feet and walking out the door, unknowingly to me, he stopped to look over his shoulder to glance at me for a moment. Just awaiting the moment my response snuck past my quivering lips. "No more experiments" Seeming to glare at her as if her words were his long dead friend, Isaac.

"Morning (y/n), wonna talk now kiddo?" He asked sitting beside me on the bed, concern and worry laced within his tone. I knew he cared but if I told him he would get angry, he would blame himself and i will not allow that. "It was nothing, just a silly nightmare" Forcing the fake smile, acting like nothing was wrong. Even though my depression and fear was eating away at me, Jack could see right through my lies. "Kiddo" "Yea" Worried that he knew something was up. "(Y/n), what really happened after I left?" My eyes widened in fear, spinning my head in his direction. "I told you already silly" Before I knew it I was pinned to the bed, him on top of me holding me down. Why are we always in this position when he knows I'm hiding something? "What experiments!" He yelled in my face, angered that i wouldn't tell him. Silence filled the room as he grew more impatient by the second. "Tell me now before I hurt you, I don't want to do that but I will" His claws slowly piercing my wrists, making me squeeze my eyes shut in pain. I could feel the blood trickling down my arm and onto his hand, consumed by fear. "(Y/n), tell me now! What fucking experiments!?" I cringed at how loud his voice was and the venom laced within in it. "Jack, your scaring me" "Oh boo fucking who. That's tragic ain't it!" His nails digging further into my skin. "Ah! I'll tell you just let go! Please your really hurting me!" Tears running down my face, hints of red filling my vision.

"(Y/n). Why are you crying...blood?"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now