Carnival Chapter 23

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Readers POV
It had been nearly a month since I had first arrived in the mansion, befriending most people who lived there. Preparing myself to leave, saying our last goodbyes. Heading straight for the carnival Jack is obsessed with, bouncing with excitement. To be honest i loved the mansion, becoming extremely close with Jason, Candy and Puppeteer. Not really able to talk to Toby due to a certain someone pulling him away from me, the ticking of her clock eye aggravating me. Apart from her, they were like my new family, Slendy being the strict mother of course, who else was better for that role. 

"I'll miss you guys" Jumping onto Puppeteer, Candy and Jason, tackling them to the ground in a group hug. "We'll miss you too (y/n)" Pup being the first to be over dramatic, wiping away a fake tear, "We will come visit when we can. Just take care" Jason desperately huffing for air as he was squished under the large body belonging to the one and only Candy Pop. "We have to let them know, we can't just barge in. Who knows, they might be doing kinky shit" Someone had to say it, Candy pushing more weight onto the poor Toymaker. "What the actual fuck, dude" My voice breaking as i screamed at his crudeness. I was pretty sure Puppeteer was getting annoyed of being crushed on the floor, using his glowing yellow threads to wrap around the perv's wrists and flinging him to the wall while helping me and Jason up. All laughing at jesters body embedded in the wall, a large crater behind his back where he landed. Laughing it off and approaching us once again, playfully bringing his hand down and harshly smacking Pup on the back. His back arching in pain, turning to start a squabble with the attacker. "We better go" "I'll see you all soon, and thank you Slender" Thanking the fatherly figure with a smile, pretty sure he was smiling under all that..face? "Take care child" "Will do. Bye!" With that, Jack teleported us to the monochrome carnival, my eyes widening in horror. This place was in my nightmare, "Jack, you know that night when I wouldn't let you go because I was having a nightmare" "Yea, why?" He answered while looking down at me. "This is the exact place where it happened. I was being ripped apart by ghost children, they were stabbing me and cutting me up into little pieces" My voice was shaky, beginning to hyperventilate. "(Y/n), calm down. Just breath, nothing is going to hurt you here. I promise ya kiddo" Slowly catching my breath, pulling me up to my feet.

After I Calmed down, we looked around at all the carnival tents and occasionally going on the run down rides. Jack shown me cabin like house, the small area bringing a smile to my face. It was just outside side of the carnival, a small house but rather cute. Walking inside taking in its lushness, most of the walls were striped black and white, duh. Surprisingly he had a tv, the only thing that wasn't monochrome striped was the couch. The couch was just plain black, with...striped cushions of course. Bullseye. I found his candy stash and didn't even have to move, he tried to hide it behind his television. When he wasn't looking I dashed towards it stealing a lollipop. Shoving it into my mouth as he turned around with a raised eyebrow, "(Y/n Hun, where did you get that from?" "Uh oh, your terrible at hiding stuff" I chuckled while motioning behind his television, his eyes narrowing. He didn't look happy, slowly heading over to me and pulling the candy from my mouth and crashing his lips against mine. Connected by a thin string of saliva when we pulled apart, his mocking smirk taunting me as he put the lolly in his mouth and began to walk away. "Hey that was mine!" Yelling after him, carrying on with waking away while chuckling. "Was not"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now