Guest's Chapter 25

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Waking up in Jacks arms, snuggling deeper into the warmth of his toned chest. It was 10 in the morning according to the clock beside us, still unable to get back to sleep or wake up the man beside me. Settling upon the decision of making breakfast, wiggling out of his grasp and picking my cloths of the floor to change. I stood up but immediately collapsed back to the floor, my legs wobbly and hurting. Asshole.

*Knock* *Knock*

Leaning on the wall trying to hurry to the door downstairs, I managed to get down the stairs without falling and snapping my neck. "I'm coming" Yelling to notify whomever was waiting, opening the door not expecting to see see Candy Pop, Jason and Puppeteer so soon. "H-hey guys what are you doing here?" "We thought we'd come visit. We didn't wake you did we?"  The red head asking with concern and slight guilt, yet his pearly whites sneaking out from behind his plush lips. "No no, I had my beauty sleep. Come in and make yourself at home, I'll go get Jack" The trio nodded their heads as they walked in and sat on the couch, sending each other questionable looks.

"Jack wake up, the guys are here" No response "If you don't get up I'll give them your candy" His body quickly shot up and he glared at me, eyes dark and threatening. Noted, do not threaten his sweets. The male got dressed and groggily walked down the stairs, rubbing the tiredness out his eyes. He really isn't a morning person is he. His pitch black hair was knotty, sticking out in every direction. Every word he spoke came out in a slur, nearly tripping over his feet when he took a step. "Hey guys" The eldest make slurred as he sat on the one seated couch, of course there was no where for me to sit, the three seater was taken by the guys and I just stood beside jack awkwardly. Unexpectedly pulling me into his lap, wrapping his arm around my waist as he used the other to lean his head on his hand. "Do you guys...smell sweat?" My heart dropping "Yea, I smelt it when we came in" Pup and Jason brought the conversation out of nowhere, me and Jack adverting our gazes, instantly looking guilty. The observant Candy Pop raising an eyebrow while looking at us, his mischievous grin growing on his face. "Oh~Don't worry guys! That is the smell of sex!" How does he know what it smells like? Jason's hazel eyes and Pups golden ones widening while staring at us, they really didn't need to know that. Nice one Candy. Gg.

Awkward silence following after "Anyway (Y/n), your first kill is going to be today right?" Being the wonderful man he was, Jason changing the subject to something completely irrelevant at the moment. "Oh y-yeah, I forgot" Nervously chuckling, scratching the back of my head. "Gonna be fun, are you guys at least going to back me up?" Candy waving his hand, dusting the question off. "Na, too crowded. You're a big girl, you can do it without being babysat" "You calling me fat? Jack, can't allow that. He called me fat didn't he" His hands shot up in surrender, fearing the damage his friend would do to him. "I did not! You're body is lovely with perfect curves!" Oh, he was not helping himself. The clown i was sitting on cracking his knuckles, Jason proudly smirking. "You messed up~" leaning back, reaching past pup and smacking the blue haired male on the back. "You better run my friend, i'll personally see to it that you're coffin will be perfect" Flicking his head side to side, the bells on his hair ringing out after sprinting out the front door. Jack instantly chasing after him, me and the remaining two laughing our asses off. "I'm gonna go watch, feel free to join" The two males following me out the door, arms locked with mine.

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now