Skip ahead Chapter 35

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12 years later

Luka's POV
I'm seventeen now, my life is an utter shit hole, believe me. My dad turned to alcohol after my mothers incident, shutting himself away and blaming himself. My twin sister, jinxx, was always trying to help him. She was the one to take care of us, acting like the motherly figure after ours died. I became an emotional wreck and fell into depression, currently sitting next to my mothers lifeless body sipping my ajar bottle of beer. Wires connecting her to machines as her chest lightly rose and fell, leaning myself over her to place my hand beside her head. My free hand on her face and rubbing my thumb on her scared cheek, I always wondered how she got it, dad said it was in a fire incident. But i was never told the full story of course, especially not after this. 

My black hair covered my dull grey eyes as I leaned down and lightly kissed her head, "I miss you mother, we all do. Please return to us, we need you...mommy" I have spent 12 years sitting here watching her breathe, awaiting the very day she wakes up. Held within the grasp of a greedy coma for 12 long years, a 99% rate of her never waking from its tight hold on her. "Mother, i swear on this life you gave to me yourself, that i will find who did this to you and I will make them pay hell for this. I will slowly rip them apart from limb to limb with my bare talons and make them suffer, I know it won't save you, but it's revenge, and i know you would have wanted it"

Dad hasn't even visited mother once since she was shot, he is afraid of seeing her like this, he cannot stand the sight of seeing his one love depending on machines. Teaching myself throughout the years not to cry or show weakness, i will not be like my petty father hiding behind walls. "Why did this happen to you" I whispered as my voice broke, choking back my visible sympathy. The door opened and in walked Smiley, automatically glaring at him as he stood there for a second gazing at me blankly. Making his way over to (Y/n) placing his hand to the plug, hesitation obvious. "I'm sorry my dearest (Y/n). I hope you can forgive me in the next life we meet" "Don't you fucking dare Smiley, i cannot promise that you will survive if you move another inch closer to that damn plug" His hand stopping a little over the wire, my form towering over him growling lowly. 

"Luka, I have to do this. I'm sorry but she isn't going to wake up, we should end her suffering now I'm sorry" he pulled on the plug but I was quick enough to grab his wrist, digging my claws within his wrist feeling my nails hit his bone. Shaky groans escaping him as i pulled his arm throwing his small form to slam against the wall farthest from my mother. "Stay away from her, if you pull the plug I will end you and everyone in this god damn mansion!" He let out a sigh of irritation shaking his head before walking out, leaning myself back over mother kissing her head one last time before leaving.

'I will get your revenge mother, just you wait. i'll make you proud'

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now