Selfharm Chapter 3

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Emotionless, I slowly stumbled towards the bathroom joined with my bedroom, locking the door behind me. Rummaging through the full draw to look for what i desired for so desperately. Once i had found the sharp silver object, adverting my eyes to look at myself in the mirror, hate coursing through my veins. All i was bale to see was all my flaws and imperfections that everyone so desperately wanted to remind me of. Slowly bringing the object to my wrist and dragging the razor across it, breaking the skin. Completely numb to the pain, the only thing that was my best friend for all these long years, pain. 

Watching the crimson blood trickle down my all ready scarred wrists, the floor stained red. I quickly but clumsily bandaged up my bloodied arms, then proceeded to clean to tiled floor. Grabbing my black hoodie and putting it on, shakily hiding the razor back in the draw. The dark cackle behind me causing me to tense up, looking into the mirror to see a dark figure in the corner of the bathroom watching me. Slowly but carefully turning around to face him, and what i saw made my breath hitch and my blood run cold. 

Towering over me was a menacing monochrome striped clown

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now