Parents Death Chapter 12

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Narrators POV

Her parents were driving to what was to be their date night, when a dark figure walked into the road. Screaming in fear upon seeing Jack's appearance. "What the fuck is that!?" "I don't know!" He flashed a very toothy grin and stood still waiting for the car to get closer, adrenaline rushing throughout his body. They were too focused on Jack that they failed to notice the spikes on the road. The car spinning out of control and flipping multiple times, hitting a concrete barrier crushing the car even more. The motor was now upside down and was steaming, soon to ignite. A crazed laugh escaping him as he teleported back to the girl, cuddling up with her in bed. Careful not to put pressure on her cuts and bruises, darkness engulfing him as he fell asleep. 

Timeskip to morning
Readers POV
I was currently in the kitchen making breakfast, wondering where my parents were at such late hours of the morning. The house phone ringing out, cutting me short of my thoughts. Quickly grabbing it and collapsing to the floor, crying when the person on the other side of the line broke the news. My parents are dead, there gone. "Thank you for telling me this, goodbye" Slamming the phone down, biting down harder on my bottom lip. Crying harder, i felt sad but I was crying mostly because I was finally happy. They would no longer abuse me, use me and make me weak.
Jack was right behind me, looking down at the floor where I sat, he was....smiling. 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now