Reunited Chapter 38

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Laughing jacks POV
I'm afraid i'm going to lose my childhood friend and the love of my life, my dear (y/n), and now my two children will feel the pain of losing their mother, they don't deserve to feel this pain, they are still yet far too young.

"Am I interrupting something?"

My body froze as i heard the familiar voice, yet raspy and quiet. Slowly lifting my head to see my dear (y/n) leaning on the door frame for support, her arms under her chest pushing her rack up. She had a little sympathetic smile on as she watched us cry, heavy eyes locking with mine. "(y-y/n)" I whispered. Happiness overwhelming me making me shoot up and run over to her. I grabbed her hips and pulled her into the biggest hug  I could manage, crying as she started to sob into my chest, her hand rubbing my back soothing me. "I missed you" she whimpered, we felt pressure build onto both sides of us, signalling others had joined the hug. Jinxx and Luka holding us gently. "my children, you have grown so much and so beautiful" (y/n) stated as we all fell to our knees still not letting go of the tight embrace, a happiness like never before filling us.

Readers POV
I'm finally with my family again, after 12 long years of loneliness and doubt. Here we are all sitting in our dear cabin we call home, catching up on what was missed. "So, Luka, how'd ya get those cuts and scratches? Picking fights?" I asked curiously, taking notice of them shooting their looks of panic at me, simply replying with "A mission" A smile spreading across my pale face, "Well, I've missed a lot, so dearly" I really missed this, having a laugh with my family.

 It was getting pretty late and I let out a quite yawn flinging my arms above my head to stretch them, they all turned there heads to look at me. Jack chuckling at my cuteness. "it's getting pretty late, we should head to bed. You need rest" "you would think a person that's been asleep for 12 years wouldn't be tired, but jeez I just need to sleep in" They all laughed at my reply, Breaking out in hysteria. 

I said my goodnight's to my children and headed upstairs with jack pulling on my hand. He pushed me onto our bed as he locked the door, I stood back up and he pulled me into a passionate kiss. "I missed you so damn much" he mumbled into my lips, "jack, I missed you so much more" "I'm not having this argument kiddo, you need to restock your energy so i can give you a good fucking later on." "Hey!" He chuckled bringing me to his warm chest, his head resting atop mine. "I love you" "I loathe you too" "Meanie" "You love it" Smiling against his bare chest, kissing the skin lightly before drifting off into a peaceful sleep, his heart beats lulling me.

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now