School Fire Chapter 20

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Readers POV
Patiently sitting in class with my best friend, rolling my eyes seeing her keep looking back at me. Nicknaming her Bitch, she kept glaring at me and throwing paper at me when the teacher wasn't looking, so I did a spitball. It hit her right in the cheek, I made sure to put extra spit on it so it was extremely sloppy, dripping with dribble. She turned around and shot up with disgust, "Can you sit down, your distracting me from learning" speaking up so the entire class laughed knowing i had turned the tables. She got in trouble and sat back down with a huff, wiping the spit from her cheek. Snob. Jack was currently at his carnival, deciding to check on things so i was alone. 

We were half way through the lesson and i could smell burning? The sound of the fire alarm blaring out and bouncing from room to room, crowds of students rushing out in a panic. The teacher led my class to the field, but me and Bitch were the last ones to exit the class. She smuggled the key from her teachers pocket and dashed for the door, shutting it before i could get out. She locked it! "Open this damn door now, unless you want my death to be on your hands" Venomously spitting at her through the glass window, knowing now wasn't the best time to be spilling threats. "No can do, you can say hello to (Y/b/n) for me" She ran off, leaving me locked in. Shit! I ran over to the windows hoping they would be open, unfortunately they weren't, plus i was on the 3rd floor. "Who the fuck locks their windows in summer!?"

The scent of burning grew dramatically, orange flames flicking outside the door and gradually spreading to the wall beside me. I was beginning to panic, how many near death experiences will i have!? "Jack!" Screaming at the top of my lungs hoping he heard me somehow.

Narrators POV
By now half the school was on fire, engulfed by the bright flames. The students lined up outside at the far back of the field away from the school, relief filling them all upon making it out in time. A certain Bitch feeling a tinge of guilt build up inside of her and eat at her insides, trying to shrug the feeling off. 

Readers POV
My lungs grew tired of repeatedly screaming his name, inhaling a dangerous amount of smoke. I tried smashing the windows but they wouldn't give in, due to them being shatter proof. Leaning against the window waiting for something to happen, the heat was growing unbearable. Coughing violently, i was completely surrounded with no way out. The floor boards beneath me growing weak.

Laughing Jack's POV
Teleporting to the field feeling something was wrong, still invisible to the others. My curiosity growing upon seeing everyone was gathering behind me, unable to find the girl i had been searching for. Her presence still inside the burning building, heading towards it without hesitation and teleporting to her last class. "Jack" Her weak  voice muttering out between coughs, cornered by flames. "(Y/n)!"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now