Lemon Chapter 24

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(This is my first time writing a lemon, if you don't know what lemon is, it's sex so yea, I'm gonna rot in hell)
+Two years later+
I wrote this two years ago, as you can see. And I hate every part of it, I was disgusting and very descriptive. So i have changed it around, taking out what i felt necessary.

Readers POV
I quickly ran after the clown to get the piece of candy back, following him up the stairs and into what I think was the bedroom. To my utter surprise he started taking off his clothes, my jaw ajar. "What are you doing!?" "I'm going to get in the shower, why? You wonna join me~" A perverted grin plastered on his smug face. "No thanks" And with that I jumped on the bed, he laughed at my childish behavior and walked off to the bathroom leaving me unsupervised.

I was looking in his draws for a change of clothes I could borrow, unfortunately he walked in with only a towel rapped around his waist. His long black hair still wet with water droplets falling off and trickling down his pale and chiseled chest, unable to advert my gaze and blush like a mad man. Oh my "Like what you see?" I was too busy day dreaming that I didn't notice he was now leaning over me and was whispering in my ear, voice low and husky. Trapped between him and the cold wall, using his hips to pin me against the wall. I could practically feel him undressing me with his eyes, feeling something wet and warm trace over my ear again and again, a violent shiver running down my spine. Soon figuring out it was his tongue as he started nibbling at my right ear. Once he was finished with my ear, he lapped his tongue over my neck repeatedly until he found my sweet spot. Attacking my sweet spot with kisses and bites, trying urgently to muffle my moans with my hand. "Don't cover your mouth, I want to hear your sweet screams" His deep voice whispered in my ear again without breaking eye contact, grabbing my hands with one of his and pinning them securely above my head. Once again starting to attack my neck "Jack" I wondered where his other hand went but I gasped as it was now sliding down my shorts, whimpering as he rubbed me through my underwear. weakly I tried pushing my body into his hand more. He let go if my arms and ripped off my shirt and bra, pulling off my shorts and underwear. Another moan slipped past my lips but he cut me off with a kiss, exchanging each other's saliva. That kids, is how aids can be contracted. "(Y/n), you're so cute" He mumbled between breaths as he leaned his forehead on mine staring into each other's eyes. "Cheers" He pulled away and stood back up, his towel dropping onto the floor revealing himself to me. Oh my, a bit frightened as my eyes grew as wide as Jeff's.

"Don't worry darling" leaning down to my ear, "I'll make it fit" a shiver running down my spine as those words burned into my mind. I was kinda scared, but I was cut out of my thoughts when jack picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed. Throwing me on the bed making my body bounce from the impact, he climbed on my top of me and started kissing me passionately again. Our tongues fighting for dominance, obviously he won being the demonic clown he was. His tongue was so long I could feel it reaching the back of my throat, trying not to gag and throw up into his mouth. Just how a mother feeds her children, regurgitation. 

I felt him slowly enter me, tears flooding my eyes as the pain was unbearable. "You will get use to it" He whispered reassuringly while looking into my eyes trying to calm me down, patiently waiting for a few minutes,nodding allowing him to carry on. His whole length was now in and was slowly thrusting into me, the pain slowly washed away, pleasure taking over. "Quicker p-please ah" Smirking in victory and obeying. Resting his hand beside my head and the other picked up my leg and stuck my thigh on his shoulder. Pounding into me faster  and harder causing screams to emit from both of us. "Ah" He smirked when he knew he had found the right spot, moving my legs and wrapping them around his waist as he lowered his head to my neck. He was sucking and biting at the skin while still pounding "Jack" "Yea, i know" Attempting to go quicker, by now the bed was smashing against the wall from impact. Going at inhuman speeds, growing close. "Jack!" "(Y/n)" We both hit our climax's together, pulling out and collapsing next to me on the bed. He put the blanket over us and then he pulled me into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him, "I love you Gumdrop" "I love you too, Jack" drifting to sleep in each other's arms.

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now