Forgotten Memories Chapter 18

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"You were my best and only friend, b-but you left and f-forgot me"

Laughing Jack's POV
That hit me hard, I thought Slender had erased her memory. Then how does she remember me? Why does it upset her so much? "(Y/n)" Cupping her face with my claws, lowering my head, my fringe casting dark shadows over my face. "I never forgot you, i was forced to leave. And i never wanted to cause harm to you" Whispering just loud enough for her to hear, "You could have told me you were leaving" hands shakily rubbing her eyes, drying the tears. "It would have made it a lot harder Kiddo, believe me." "And what, leaving out of the blue wouldn't hurt just as much" "I really didn't want to leave you, i wished to stay by your side forever. But things changed, i changed into you see" My words came out in shaky breaths, why was she the only one able to make me feel like this, to feel weak. "Jack, you're here with me now and that makes me happy. You are no monster in my eyes" My eyes enlarged, for the first time since i was stuck in that rotten box, i was happy, smiling a real smile. Wiping away her tears with my thumb, her small face leaning into the warmth of my hand and smiling up at me. I leaned down and trapped her lips in a passionate kiss, lasting for around two long minutes. Pulling away to speak, "You know, you were always such a cute and funny kid. Hah~ Your little cheeks were so adorable, and they still are" choking it out between chuckles. "When you pinched my cheeks, it hurt like hell" "Aw, poor baby" I jokingly said as she grabbed a cushion and threw it at me, "Shut it" pulling myself from her and sitting on the edge of the couch beside her. She was the first to speak up, wanting answers to her questions. "So, how did you find me after I moved?" "I have my ways, i just so happen to be friends with one of your saviors, Ticci Toby"

Readers pov
"Oh, it's been a while since I last spoke to him. Kinda miss him" My second bestest friend, i need to see him sometime. "Yeah, he has been busy with missions given by the operator" His chest vibrating as he lightly chuckled, "Are you going to school tomorrow? I'll come with" a somewhat determined look clear in his silver eyes. "Um, yea...sure?" Coming out more of a question, confused as to why he wanted to accompany me. His thin eyebrow raising slightly, "Was that a question? Haha!" "Whatever, I'm going to bed. Today's events have made me tired" Spreading my arms out behind me and yawning. "I'm coming too!" Shouting after me happily. "Just stay on your side" Since my parents were gone we took their bed, enjoy it while we still can. 

Both unaware of the danger that was to befall on (Y/n) tomorrow, at the place she called hell. 


Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now