Eyeless Jack Chapter 29

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Readers POV
I was back at slender mansion and was currently being led into the living room by L.J. Carefully sitting me down on the couch, telling me to stay still while he rushed to get E.J and Slender. Only now just taking notice of BEN sitting beside me, his attention never adverting from the large screen before us. "Hey BEN" Hushing out past deep shaky breaths, "Hey, wonna play a ga-" Finally turning his gaze to look at me, his red hues widening in fear as i lifted up the material on my eyes slightly, gazing at him. An awkward silence filling the air as he stared back, mouth hanging open. "I think playing a game is out of the question right now" Chuckling out to attempt and lighten the mood, though he remained unmoved.

"I'm not even going to question it" The look on his face reading, 'What the actual fuck happened to your face' yet staying silent. "Good idea" I responded, pulling back down the blindfold, listening to the many pairs of footsteps closing in.

E.J had given me some pills to take to help me bare with the light, also removing the blindfold and tilting my head back, squeezing a strange clear liquid in my eyes to stop the bleeding. Heading out once showing him my gratitude and thanking him once again, smiling wearily. Upon leaving the room i could already feel daggers being glared into the back of my scalp, instantly pinned to the wall by a harsh force. "Jeff, can you save this for another time. I'm not in the best of moods" Pushing him away and walking off, not once turning back to see him gawking at me.

Eventually i had made it back home, with the help of Jack of course. A rush of nausea hitting me as i sprinted towards the toiler, throwing up all the previous meals into the bowl. Jack knelt down beside me, an utter disgusted look on his face as the rotten stench hit his nose, rubbing large circles in my back to soothe me. Managing to wipe the vomit off my chin and weakly standing to my feet, Jack catching my stumbling body and carrying me to the bed. He soon joined me, wrapping me within his arms as i drifted off to the land of sleep, consumed by darkness with one thought swirling my head, filling me with stress. 

'I need to talk to E.J, and soon"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now