Back To Hell Chapter 7

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All week Jack kept offering me his candy, unknowingly to him, he didn't know that I knew it was poisoned. I knew that he wanted me gone just like everyone else did, but I'm not going to die, not just yet. At other times he would stick out his leg when I was walking and purposely trip me up, he would look down on me, laugh, then walk away leaving me there. He pulls on my hair, and he sometimes pins me against the wall by my neck and leaves scratches from his talons, just to get in my head. I don't understand him, at times he is nice to me then he gets extremely violent. And unfortunately I've been seeing less and less of his kindness.

I was casually walking to school like my typical school morning, a sadistic clown following me around refusing to leave. Nobody seemed to pay attention to him, but i soon gathered that he had the ability to make himself visible to the people he chose, not that i wanted to see him either. "Leave me alone" Whisper yelling hoping no one else heard me, they'd think i was a bigger freak for talking to myself in public. "Nope, sorry Kiddo. Ain't happening" Wheezing out between dark chuckles, my eyes rolling. "Urgh, great. Just what i wanted, to be tailed by a fucking sarcastic and sadistic, possibly a killer, clown" Replying coldly, still continuing to follow me but laughing harder. "Kiddo, your little outbursts are so cute. Would you like some candy?" His painted black lips stretching ear from ear, his clawed hand holding out the neatly wrapped candy in front of me. That was it, slapping his hand causing the sweet to fall to the ground. "I don't want your fucking poisoned candy Jack!" I finally snapped, his eyes slightly widening in surprise but narrowing once the creepy smile made it way on his pale face. "Clever girl aren't ya, hehe~" Walking away from him only to have his long legs come into view, striding beside me all the way to school.

Luckily i didn't see my bullies at the start of the day, but I KNEW they would come for me during lessons. My heart skipping numerous beats just thinking about it, my head pounding. We had break in our class rooms as in it was pouring it down with rain outside, sitting at the desk at the back by the window. Jack was standing  right behind me, leaning against the wall. He had his arms crossed, one leg was bent and the other straight making him look kinda cool. His eyes remained closed revealing the dark circles surrounding his eyes, he looked so peaceful for a serial killer. But his peace was soon ended by our class door being swung open, his eyes snapping in the direction of the noise. 

My body subconsciously shaking as i gulped, seeing (Y/b/n) standing at the door with her so called 'gang'. Smiling evilly once her eyes landed upon me, walking over drawing unwanted attention. Everyone was watching the scene that was about to unfold before them, no teacher in sight meaning no restrictions. Jack stayed unmoved but had a somewhat satisfied look on his face, my heart tightened. Why? "Hey (Y/n), give me that candy you have in your pocket. Sharing is caring, right" Batting her eyelashes to look innocent, i wasn't quite sure as to what she was talking about until i looked down. Jack's poisoned candy sticking out of my trouser pocket, hesitation written all over my face. Should i? This is my chance, i could finally kill her. "No" I panicked, her balled fist grabbing me by the collar and pulling me from my chair, her face inching towards mine with pure rage. "Why not!?" She spat, what was her and spitting on people. Eyes quickly scanning the room to see everyone staring and smiling, Jack still staying unmoved. 

"I'm sorry, but I just can't give it to you" the sound of people laughing at (Y/b/n) due to her getting rejected by a loser, her grip on me tightening making me wince. Balling her fist tighter, feeling utter humiliation. Dropping me onto the chair as i shoved the candy further into my pocket, hidden from plain sight. She snapped thinking i was trying to tease her, getting my revenge. Pushing my chair with so much force that i fell backwards with me still seated on it, my eyes enlarging knowing that i couldn't stop the fall, the concrete below growing closer taunting me. I awaited for the back of my head to take impact only to fell nothing but a light pressure, opening my eyes seeing Jacks crouched form hovering over me, my head resting in his large clawed hand stopping it before it cracked open on the floor. (Y/b/n) failed to notice that i had been miraculously saved by an invisible force, her pride taking over while she laughed out with everyone. Both mine and Jack's attention on the girl standing beside us, Jack's grip still on the back of my head supporting me. The words she spoke, would forever be burned within my mind. "You should just die you stupid bitch, your parents don't even care for you. You're such a loser and no guy would ever want to be with you, so do us all a favor, go missing wont ya. Or better, go die!" The laughter got louder, I couldn't stand it any more. Jack wrapped his arm around my waist attempting to comfort me but was only pushed away, why would he care? He don't. Running past them and escaping the school, stumbling my way down the empty streets. 

Crying all the way, I wanted nothing more than to just disappear, forever. She had won, they had finally beaten me. "Why am i never good enough! No matter how hard i try, its useless. I'm useless"

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now