Jack's Rage Chapter 8

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Laughing jacks pov

"You should just die you stupid bitch, your parents don't even care for you. You're such a loser and no guy would ever want to be with you, so do us all a favor, go missing wont ya. Or better, go die!"

When that ugly son of a bitch said that to (y/n), it made my anger boil like it had never before. She had no right, but that was what i loved about the weak humans. It gave me a reason to rip the hearts from their puny chest's, but i never really needed a reason for doing that. The moment when (Y/n) had pushed me away with tears in her eyes, was the moments something within me broke. Consumed by fury, my actions are no longer my own. So this is the lead bitch that had been beating (Y/n), Toby had told me about it after i forced it out of him. He knew i gad been watching her for a while and grew interested, but i never thought an innocent girl would turn to suicide because of these bastards. I found myself frozen in place trying not to rip these kids heads off right then and there, that would be lowering my standards leaving witnesses. For some damned unknown reason, when i saw (Y/n) like that. I felt the need to go on a killing spree and kill anything and everything that moved, all the while protecting her. 

The spoiled brat walked away laughing, flicking her fake ass accessories over her shoulder. Gagging when she popped her arse out, swaying it side to side as she walked like a penguin. "(Y/b/n) won't be laughing for long, not when I rip her organs out while she's still alive" I was thinking of a plan to kill that kid, not thinking or caring how (Y/n) would feel about it or the backlash she would receive. 

Everyone was leaving due to school ending, but a certain girl went to get their bag from her previous class. Once she retrieved her bag the doors slammed shut and clicked signalling that they had been locked, the same as the window's but the curtains were drawn too as well.
(Y/b/n) was the only person in the class room, her eyes darting from corner to corner beginning to look like she was having a panic attack when she couldn't open the door. Letting out an ear piercing maniac like laugh, allowing myself to visible to the frightened girl. How I loved seeing the fear in her eyes as I wrapped my hands around her neck and started squeezing, prying her mouth open with my claws and pulling her tongue out so she couldn't scream for help. I had such a rush, stabbing her multiple times in the chest and stomach, purposely missing her heart so she was still alive, barely hanging on. I slowly cut open her stomach, listening to the lovely yet disfigured screams and cries of pain. Being sure that the last words she heard were clear, "This is what happens when you hurt (Y/n) without my permission." "(Y/n)?" Inaudibly whispering with wide eyes pouring with tears, an exceeding amount of blood pouring from her chin. 

I chucked and wedged my hand within her stomach, pulling out the small intestine and hanging it around the classroom. Wrapping the large intestine around her neck to make a noose and I hung her from the ceiling. I was proud of my work but stuff still needed to be added, blood was splattered all over the white walls and her body was stuffed full of the candy that she wanted so badly from (y/n). I used some of the blood to write on the wall, 'I'm coming for you all next' in big bold letters. Smiling ear to ear upon looking at my master piece, lightly pushing her body so she swung. A human pinata.

Skillfully unwrapping a lolly and shoving it in my mouth, teleporting in a black cloud of smoke to (y/n)'s bedroom. Something pulling at my chest seeing her cry into her pillow "Kiddo" why was i still smiling? She slowly turned her head to me and her eyes widened as she saw the blood splattered all over my clothes and face. Jack...Who's blood is that?" "....." Silence followed as I stood there smiling at her still, my smirk gradually growing wider. "Jack...What have you done!?" She whimpered in a worried yet frightened tone, I couldn't help myself anymore, I let out an insane laugh. "I took care of a few problems, that's all kiddo" Chuckling at the petrified look on her tear stained face, at least she wasn't crying anymore, right. 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now